37| I lost him

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"I ran into Mrs

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"I ran into Mrs. Sharma today, and she invited us over to celebrate her son's big achievement at their place," Maa told me.

I didn't say anything and just stared at the gorgeous flower patch right in front of me. My eyes were locked on it, but my thoughts were drifting somewhere else entirely.

"Niu?" Mom nudged my arm, bringing my focus back to her. "I just said something. You seem lost in thought."

I shook my head, disagreeing with her. "I did hear it, Maa. You should go."

"Not just me. In fact, all of us are planning to attend. I mentioned it to your father, and he agreed that we should all join. It wouldn't be polite to turn down the invitation," she explained placing the plant into the pot.

"I won't be able to go, Maa. I need to focus on preparing for my exams."

All the partying, fun, and laughter felt hollow, like they didn't mean anything. My heart only found real happiness with one person, the one I was slowly pushing away more and more each day.

"You also need to take a break. Over these past days, all you've been doing is staying in your room and studying. It will only lead to stress."

A bittersweet smile crossed my face. If only she or anyone else knew that lately, my room has been where I shed silent tears and yearned for Adwait. It's become my safe haven, where I can let out all the pain and let my emotions flow freely.

"I'm totally fine, Mom. Studies aren't stressing me out at all," I said, getting up and walking back into the house.

Back in my room, I grabbed my phone and checked my messages. Tears welled up again when I saw his text. Even though I hadn't replied or said anything, he kept reaching out to initiate conversation with me.

How are you, my Sweetheart?

Isn't it a bit strange that I haven't received a response to my texts, but I can't help sending them.

I'm really missing you.

I love you, Nitya.

My fingers traced over the screen where his 'I love you' text lay, and a tear dropped onto it, blurring the words. Swiftly, I wiped it off and smiled, watching as the message cleared up before my eyes.

"Why do you have such deep feelings? How is it possible to love someone so intensely? Why, Adwait? What is it about me that makes you love me this deeply?" I whispered, closing my eyes as tears started to stream down my face.

I carefully put the phone back where it was, then looked at the bracelet he gave me, sitting snug on my wrist. I held onto it gently, planting a kiss where his hand had touched it before.

His confession kept replaying in my mind, making my heart soar. Eyes shut, I went through every little detail: the love shining in his eyes, his lips brushing against mine, his nose nuzzling mine, and his arm snug around my waist.

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