The Land

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Anastasia Steele
I have put in the bid on the property next to my home and so far mine is the highest bid. They told me there are other interested parties. I can't get the names of the other interested parties. Two days later someone bid a thousand more than my bid. I upped it to five thousand higher than the other bidder.

Damn it I had to buy that piece of land to build my home on it. Lily wants to build a home in that exact spot. I over bid the high bidder by a thousand dollars and a day later the bidder has outbid me by five thousand dollars. I bid ten thousand dollars more and I have more room to play and the land still be worth it.

I go twenty thousand dollars more and say take that. I can't believe they are going that deep in their pockets for this property. I can't believe that I am having so much trouble getting this land. They won't be able to get to the water from it, my land spans the waters edge and up two acres and my dock and boathouse are unavailable to them. The place is fenced in and security cameras and alarms notify us if anyone goes onto my properties.

Gideon Cross
I find a piece of land I want to buy and I really don't want it to connect with the water. I find something that meets my requirements and the night boys have the two acres that connect to the water, docks and boathouses. Security cameras and alarms are on the neighbors property so I call the realtor and make an offer that can't refused. It turns out there are two more interested buyers and they keep upping the bids. Well I add a hundred thousand dollars and soon I am closing the deal.

I can't believe I lost that land, Lily is livid and wants to know why I didn't outbid the other buyer. I tells her that they paid seventy five thousand too much for the property and it doesn't reach the water. The neighbor owns all that property and it is fenced in with security fencing alarms and cameras watch it at all times. She tells me that she wants something that will be on the water. Lily is not happy and I can't seem to make her happy. I finally discovered who bought the property and I don't want to try to buy it any longer. The other bidder turned out to be the Steele's next door to it.

I couldn't bid what the person bid on the property, but I did find out my neighbor was selling on the other side of me and made them a offer for their property. I knew nothing about the Lincoln's and really didn't want to know about them. Dad thinks it's the best thing that they sell and leave town. He really was cryptic about it. I asked and he just said it was something about them that he can't prove anything but he is sure that they are not good people. He wants security to go with me to make an offer and an attorney and the real estate agent as well. He would come too but he thinks they won't allow him to attend the meeting. Again no explanation at all.

Richard Lincoln
I tell Elena that we won't get any offers once the news about her pedophilia behavior hits the news we won't be able to get close to what the place is worth. I have told her we need to take the cash and run.

Elena Lincoln
I know this Anastasia Steele and we can get more from her for the property. Probably twice what it's worth. We answer the door and she has security, the realtor, an attorney and an appraiser with her. She came armed to the teeth. So we tell her what we want and she says that is twice what your home was appraised for by the county. She tells me that her appraiser can check the place over and come up with the price. I tell her take my price or leave it.

This bitch is definitely trying to screw me out of money and asked twice what it's worth is highway robbery. I tell her thanks but no thanks and good luck selling it to anyone at all soon. Ray told me to say that to her and I did just that. We all walk out and thank her for her time and we go our separate ways. I guess I will just wait until she has no choice but to sell it for what she can get for it.

I got an inkling about the neighbor on the other side wanting to get a quick sale but can't seem to get what they wanted out of the place that they should have. They might need to leave Seattle soon and they need to sell quickly. I try to get my realtor on the line and I ask what the seller wants and I am flabbergasted about the amount that she wants for the place. I can't see buying it at that price. No one would pay double the appraisal value of any property. I got the idea that they were seeing who is interested I am glad that I was the only one who went directly through a realtor, but I was informed that the neighbor was interested until she heard the double amount for it and ended the meeting with the seller and went back home. I would like the Steele property, but they won't budge on selling their property.

If she hadn't had everyone with her I wonder if they would have hurt her. Anastasia is not a dumb woman by any means, but she can put herself in strange situations and has had to use her skills to get out of them. Our security cameras catch odd things going on at the Lincoln's and I can't get any information from anyone about what's going on over there.

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