1. All I Want Is Him

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A/N: Yes it's finally here welcome to the first chapter of the second book of Little Mafia Princess if you haven't read that story I highly recommend you do so before continuing this story, also just wanted to note these first couple of chapters will include flashbacks of what happened when they first left each other I hope you enjoy.

Ella's Pov

The sky is black and the rain pours like it's displaying all my emotions in the sky, today marks a year, a year since I've seen his face, and a year since I felt comfortable and safe. I sigh deeply resting my head against the window of my crummy run-down apartment, as I sit on the edge of the windowsill near the fire escape exit and watch the rain fall from the sky. The memories of that day are left running through my head like an old movie I can't quite forget, I can still remember the last thing he said, " I will always love you, Ella, none of this was fake for me you're now like a part of me but I love you enough to let you go". I can still hear the sadness in his voice like it was yesterday, you have no idea how many times I've thought of running back to him back into his arms where I feel safe, but I hurt him so badly when I left he probably wants nothing to do with me, he's probably moved on with someone else, someone better than I ever was.

My life has been nothing but a roller coaster of disaster since that day. when Xavier walked out of my hospital room, I asked the nurses if I could use the landline in my room to make a call, she happily nodded her head yes before checking my vitals and leaving the room. I called the one person I thought still cared about me Skyler,  but it turns out Xavier was right about her and Ollie as well for that matter. Skyler yelled at me and made me feel so shitty saying I was the worst friend and I chose a man over her,  and how could I after all she's done for me when I was finally free of her venom-filled words,  that broke my heart even more than it already was when I called Ollie it was the same as when I called Skyler,  finally making my heart shatter into a million pieces knowing for the first time since I ran away from home,  I was alone I had nothing no one. I curled up in a ball in my hospital bed crying until I passed out of exhaustion, I stayed in the hospital for just over a week in total and when I left the nurses informed me that everything had been paid for, and someone left a note for me passing me a light blue sticky note with an address of a hotel on it, with a little note underneath that read.

I know you don't want to see me, you want your space to work everything out but I couldn't just leave you with the clothes on your back. I may be a monster but I'm not that much of an asshole remember I will always love you angel be safe.

I thanked the nurse and asked her for directions to the hotel address and name that was scribbled on the sticky note and found out it was just down the street and there was a big sign with the hotel's name on it I couldn't miss it. She was the nicest person I've ever met, I didn't have any clothes to walk out in, and I didn't feel like walking down the street in nothing but a hospital gown so she took me to lost property, where I was able to find a pair of poorly kept tennis shoes that were an inch too small for me hurting my toes, a pair of loose grey sweatpants as well as an oversized touristy shirt, I looked like a hot mess but it was better than nothing. After getting dressed I thanked the nurse who gave me a big hug and told me to be safe, she reminded me so much of Lottie the little old maid that I had met while living with Xavier who quickly became a mother figure to me. I left the hospital and walked a few minutes down the road to find the hotel, I felt so out of place with all the shiny modern furniture and stark white walls with giant chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, I was pulled out of my thoughts when a man walked up to me looking me up down causing me to roll my eyes.

" Can I help you miss are you lost, are you okay? "

He questions looking me up and down once more.

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