17. My Little Angel

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Xavier's Pov:

I wake up to the sunlight streaming in through the little gap in the curtains making me groan rolling over and wrapping my arms around the still-sleeping angel beside me or so I thought.

" Good morning Daddy"

She says gently rolling over so we're now facing each other our noses inches from one another the little bit of sunlight lighting up her features making her look more like an angel than she already does making me forget about the tiredness that still plagued my body.

" How did I get so lucky"

I say thinking out loud bringing my hand up to caress her now light-pink cheek gently.

" What are you talking about silly"

She says giggling.

" You're like all my dreams come true a real-life angel laying right next to me whereas I'm so filled with evil and darkness. I never want it to take over your light never again will I let my darkness put out your light and I do not deserve you"

I say honestly, I'm pulled out of my thoughts as she cups my cheeks with her small hands.

" That is not true"

She says frowning.

" You are the best daddy ever and you take care of me, and I love you to da moon and back and maybe more"

She says quickly reassuring me.

" Angel"

I start but she quickly cuts me off by putting her index finger to my lips shushing me, causing me to arch my eyebrow at her.

" No, you have light in you too Daddy you just no see it but that's okay I will be here to show you all da good parts of you, everyone has dark and scary parts Daddy even me but dat don't mean you are bad person and you no deserve to be happy daddy"

She says and I can't help the cheesy grin that lights up on my face making her smile back at me, I say nothing just remove her hands from my face wrapping my arms around her and pulling her closer to me so she's laying against my chest now her head resting under my chin as I hold her tightly in my arms where she belongs.

" Fuck I love you"

I say quietly.

" I love you too Daddy even though you say bad words"

She giggles.

" Yes but I'm allowed to say bad words"

I say matter of factly.

" Well that means I can Daddy"

She says smugly.

" You can try but you won't like what happens next little girl, plus you can't be my little angel if you say bad words"

I say causing her to look up at me in confusion.

" Little angles don't say bad words"
I shrug.

" I like being your little angel daddy so no bad words for me"
She says honestly still looking up at me.

" Good girl"

I say kissing the top of her head. We lay in bed just laying in each other's arms for god knows how long she's still lying on my chest tracing random shapes onto my chest as I gently run my fingers through her hair before her stomach rumbles loudly causing me to chuckle.

" I think it's time for breakfast little one"

I say quickly, but she shakes her head no nuzzling her head further into my chest and letting out a cute little whining noise, looks like someone is feeling extra clingy today not that I mind it just means getting up and dressed will be a struggle, to say the least.

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