27. Story

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Ella's Pov:

I can't take it anymore as another wave of pleasure rips through my sensitive body it's too much my body is sore and my eyes have grown heavy with exhaustion as my body rolls through another climax causing me to whimper I look directly into the camera that daddy had pointed to earlier.

" RED"

I say as loud as I can manage which I feel is a yell but I know it's no louder than a whisper, before I can do anything else the door is pushed open loudly and Daddy runs over to me untying the device from me causing me to sigh in relief as he goes up and unties my arm before looking down at me in adoration.

" I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner babygirl daddy got held up with some work but you did such a good job and took your punishment so well I'm so proud of you angel"

Daddy says picking me up causing me to wrap my body around him like a kola not caring about the mess all over the sheets and my body.

" Sore?"

He questions still walking somewhere but I don't pay attention to where just hide my face in the crook of his neck nodding my head yes.

" Would you like to take a bubble bath with Daddy?" 

He questions causing me to nod my head yes as he sits me down on top of the toilet lid goes over to the bathtub and turns on the water running his hand underneath it until it's the perfect temperature before leaning down and putting the plugin and going under the sink and getting some pink bubble bath that smells like bubblegum I can smell it from here before putting it away and turning back to me.

" Stay here okay I'll be back I'm just going to get us some comfy clothes and change the sheets I will be super quick I promise Angel"

He says quickly kissing my forehead before quickly walking out of the room, he comes back a few minutes later holding a onesie a Paci along with a Paci clip fuzzy knee-high socks and a pair of sweatpants, he places them on the counter next to the sink before turning back to me smiling as I feel myself fall deeper into my little space.

" You okay angel?"
He says checking in causing me to tiredly nod my head yes before he goes back and checks on the water running his hand through it making sure it's not too hot before turning off the tap.

" You ready little one?"
He questions stripping down I say nothing just nod my head yes making grabby hands at him, making him walk over to where I was still sitting on top of the toilet lid picking me up bridal style and placing me between his legs in the warm bath causing me to sigh in relief as my tense sore muscles relax as I place my head back on daddy's chest as he runs his fingers through my hair making me smile.

" I love you so much you know that"
He says quietly.

" How much dough like dis much Daddy"
I say holding my two hands up extremely close together leaving a small gap in between them, he says nothing but places his bigger hands on top of mine.

" More like this angel"
He says stretching my arms out as far as they can go making me giggle.

" Dat lots daddy"
I giggle.

" Because I love you lots baby girl"
He says peppering my face in kisses causing me to go into a fit of giggles until he stops.

" You wanna know something, daddy?"
I question turning around so I'm sitting on the other side of the bathtub.

" What?"
He questions.

" I love you to the moon and back"
I say matter of fact causing him to smile.

" My, you must really love me"
He says causing me to nod my head yes smiling proudly.

" Do you want to wash yourself or do you want daddy to give you some toys so you can play while daddy helps you?"
He questions gesturing to my basket of bath toys, I don't even have to think about it before I point to the basket of toys, he reaches up behind him grabbing the basket before holding it out in front of me so I can choose some toys, I quickly pick out some rubber ducks because that's obviously an essential as well as some other animal and rubber Disney bath toys.

" Is that all the things you want angel?"
He questions causing me to nod my head yes as he puts the basket back on the little counter behind the bathtub, I start playing with the toys around me as Daddy begins to get a loofah and apply some body wash to it before helping me wash my top half before asking me to stand so he could wash the rest of me making sure to be careful of my sensitive body, before making me sit back down again helping me rinse all the soap off before making me turn back so my back was facing his chest again so he could wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner as well as rinse it out, once he's finished taking care of me I stop playing with my toys pushing them aside staring up at him.

" Yes, angel?"
He questions.

" Daddy help clean?"
I question hoping he can decode what I'm trying to say.

" You wanna help daddy get clean?"
He questions and I say nothing just smile nodding my head yes.

" I would love help from my pretty little angel"
He says making me blush bright red, before I grab the loofah pouring body wash on it and helping him was his body before helping him rinse it off.

" All clean thank you for your help Angel"
He says kissing my cheek making me smile.

" You ready to get out of here?"
He questions causing me to nod my head yes, he stands up first quickly drying himself off and putting on the pair of sweatpants he brought in for himself before holding up a white fluffy towel for me causing me to stand up from the bath as he wraps the towel around my body before lifting me out making me giggle.

"Do you want help getting dressed?"
He questions and I say nothing just nod my head yes, so he helps me dry off and helps me slide into my snap crotch onesie helping me with the buttons before sliding on my socks and clipping the paci to my chest before leaning down and pulling the plug out of the bath before turning back to me lifting me and placing me on his hip causing me to snuggle into him as he walks back into the bedroom where the bedsheets have been changed and everything from earlier had been put away.

" You ready for bed angel?"
He questions as he puts me down on the bed with him so we're sitting up together and I'm sitting on his lap.

" Nuh uh"
I say sucking on my paci all my tiredness before had disappeared like magic.

" I think you are"
Daddy says tickling my sides making me giggle and shake my head no.

" Well, what would my little girl like to do then?"
He questions causing me to stroke my chin making my thinking face causing him to chuckle.

" Story?"
I question tilting my head to the side.

" You want daddy to read you a story?"
He questioned causing me to do an excited dance nodding my head yes.

" What kind of story would you like Angel and I will go get it"
He says quickly making me think again.

" Winnie da Pooh"
I say quickly deciding, he says nothing and just moves me off his lap under the covers beside him before tucking me in and handing me Daisy and Leo who I quickly snuggle up with still sucking on my paci.

" I'll be back"
He says kissing my forehead before leaving the room and coming back a short time later holding two books in his hands and coming to sit back down on the bed beside me.

" Two books and then it's off to bed with you"
He says sternly causing me to nod my head yes, as he puts one book down on the nightstand before holding up a Winnie the Pooh book for me to see before he starts reading his deep voice is so soothing being tucked up in bed with Daisy and Leo and my paci, of course, I feel so safe, so warm like everything right now in my life is perfect I could stay in this night forever and never get bored I know this sounds crazy trust me I do but I'm glad Xavier kidnapped me and I agreed to stay for that trail and I'm so glad the world let us find each other again and trust me I'm never leaving again, I think to myself as my eyes begin to get heavy and I can't help but let sleep take over my tired body.

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