19. Ice Cream Makes Everything Better

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Xavier's Pov:

I was on my phone replying to a few emails and texting Ryder about a few business deals when the lady finally called my name signalling that our order was ready, instead of waiting with me I let Ella go find a table for us. I slide my phone back into my pocket and walk up to the counter collecting the tray of food and drinks before looking around for Ella, which was hard because there was a crowd of people down the back but I just ignored it and kept looking but panic quickly filled me, when I couldn't find her anywhere, I decided to look outside of the cafe thinking maybe there were too many people in there and she got overwhelmed but nothing, I quickly place the tray on the table not even caring about it contents anymore pulling out my phone and dialling Grayson's number.

" Hey boss what's up?"
He questions, my panic now getting worse I mean what if someone took her again because I wasn't there watching her like last time, I should've just made her stay with me I'm so fucking stupid.

" Boss"
Grayson says more worriedly this time pulling me out of my thoughts.

" I need you to get some men together and meet me at the mall now, don't bother calling Ryder he's making a transaction at the moment"
I say quickly.

" Yeah no worries boss, but is everything okay?"
He questions.

" I don't fucking know I can't find her Grayson, we were in Starbucks grabbing some breakfast and I told her to go find a table to sit at while I stood there and waited for our food, I turned around and she was gone I've already looked inside the cafe and out, I can't do this again Grayson what if someone took her again because I wasn't fucking watching her!"

I say angrily yelling the last part slamming my fist on the table in front of me causing a few people to look over at me.

" Okay relax you keep looking I'll text you when I get there, I'm gonna have to bring Bell though if Ryders doing a transaction I don't have anyone to watch her"
He says honestly.

" That's fine just hurry"

I say hanging up the phone. I go back into the cafe and do a complete walkthrough of the place even down the back where the big crowd of people have now dispersed but still, there is no sign of her so once again I walk out of the Starbucks looking around the food court but still, nothing only making me angrier, my phone rings pulling me out of my thoughts and its Grayson I tell him that I'm in the food court and have looked and to get the other men to spread out and search elsewhere, I tried to tell Grayson the same but of course, he didn't listen and he and Bella came running into the food court a few minutes later.

" Any luck?"
He questions quickly out of breath I just shake my head no, and continue walking out of the food court and into the first shop I see which is Target with them following behind me. After a while of walking in and out of the aisles at Target, I start to lose hope but just as we're walking past the home section I freeze because of the conversation taking place between two middle-aged men with two women about the same age beside them.

" Did you see the way that freak ran out of there crying that was hilarious "
One of the men says laughing.

" Yeah I mean who goes out in public like that"
The Lady says with the other man's arm wrapped around her.

" What are you doing?"
Grayson questions with Bella in toe, I say nothing just holding my finger up to my lips shushing him and gesturing over to the four people.

" I mean honestly keep that paedophile shit at home, I mean what kinda grown woman acts like that carrying around two stuffed animals like a fucking child like grow up, you know what would have been better though of her boyfriend or should I say daddy was there as well probably some fat ugly old guy then we could've taught him a lesson to"

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