20. Mother

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Ella's POV:

Tonight is the night of the hall me and Xavier just finished getting ready and I feel like I'm going to throw up or pass out or maybe both my anxiety levels are through the roof, but Xavier reassures me over and over again that everything is going to be fine but given the track record of these things you can see why I'm doubtful.

" Are you ready?"
Xavier yells from downstairs, see much like last time I wanted to surprise Xavier with my outfit what can I say it's fun being a brat well sometimes.

" Yeah just grabbing my bag and then I'll be down"
I yell back giving myself a quick once over in the mirror, my long blonde hair left down to sit naturally, I'm wearing a long blue satin dress that hugs my body perfectly with a long slit running down the side, I paired it with a diamond necklace Xavier has gotten me before everything went down with his father and the kidnapping, I tried to give it back but he refused and I even tried it give it back to the store but the next day it was back on my vanity so I swore to only wear it on fancy occasions and I can't think of anything fancier than a ball. I quickly grab my black clutch bag throwing everything I need into it and slip into my black heels before exiting our bedroom and walking down the stairs running my hand down the banister and watching Xavier stand there talking to someone on the phone but he looks up when he hears the clicking of my heels against the hardwood floors.

" Lucas I don't give a fuck just make it happen or else"
Xavier says annoyed to whoever is on the other end of the phone as I reach the bottom of the stairs walking over to him.

" Well hello there angel"
He smirks all the anger gone from this voice.

" Hi"
I say suddenly feeling shy as he checks me out not even trying to hide it, he takes my hand in his making me do a little twirl making me giggle like a school girl causing him to smile.

" I actually approve of this one this time, even though I'm still highly thinking about skipping this stupid thing and fucking your right here right now"
He says whispering the last part in my ear making goosebumps appear on my skin, and my thighs to clench together.

" You look handsome to Daddy "
I say trying to compose myself kissing his cheek.

" Why thank you angel"
He says holding his arm out for me, causing me to quickly link my arm with his as he leads the way out the door where there is a limousine waiting for us causing me to look over at him in shock.

" Is this really necessary"
I say as he opens the door for me.

" Yes, is it a crime to want to treat you like the Princess you are"
He says making me blush bright red saying nothing more on the matter and sliding into the luxury car with him following behind, he quickly tells the driver where we're going before pressing a button making a black screen appear so the driver can no longer see us, as I scoot closer to Xavier resting my head on his shoulder as he takes my hand in his own and rests our hands on my thigh.

" Can I be honest ?"
I question, he says nothing just hums in response.

" I'm terrified still, I know you said you have everything under control but I mean can you blame me for being a little doubtful"
I admit, he's silent for a moment as he plays with my fingers still holding my hand.

" No, I can't"
He sighs deeply.

" But I want you to know I'll die before I let you get taken from me like that again"
He growls.

" I know"
I say honestly as he leans over and kisses the top of my forehead making my heart flutter.

" Now before we get there we need to talk about rules that you are actually going to follow this time right"
He says dominantly sitting up causing me to do the same, I turn to look at him and nod my head yes.

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