8. Mine Again

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Xavier's Pov:

I woke up with her still curled up in my arms making me smile, last night just felt like a dream having her in my arms again having her as close to me as humanly possible, was everything I needed and more. I was half expecting to wake up and it all just be some messed up dream my mind decided to torture me with, I feel her turn around in my arms so she is now facing me causing the stream of sun that is coming through the half-open blinds to shine in her eyes making her scrunch up her face and, making me laugh as I gently caress her cheek.

" I know you're awake"

I say leaning down and kissing her cheek she says nothing just shakes her head no.

" Well I guess I will have to make some yummy pancakes all by myself then no one to share them with"

I say dramatically making her giggle and, open her eyes looking to see if I was serious or not causing me to chuckle. I remove my arms from around her body causing her to pout as I stand up and pull on a pair of grey sweatpants, before looking back over at the cute girl who is still pretending to sleep.

" You know what I might have some fruit as well maybe put syrup on the pancakes, heck I may as well just make chocolate chip pancakes too bad there isn't a cute little girl to share them with"

I say walking around the bed towards the door causing her to jolt up now standing on the bed still wearing my shirt that sits at her mid-thighs and, a pair of panties that she fell asleep in after last night's activities.


She yells jumping into my arms causing me to catch her and move her on my hip.

" Oh so you were awake"

I chuckle.

" Maybe"

She giggles before making grabby hands over toward the bed already knowing what she wants, I grab Daisy and Leo handing them to her and she smiles snuggling them to her chest as I make my way out of the room and, downstairs to the kitchen. She helps me make more of a mess than actually helping me make the pancakes but I couldn't careless I'm just happy she's here with me again, I missed her so much and I honestly don't know how much longer I would've lasted without her I was on the brink of losing it.

She helps me serve up the pancakes onto two plates one pink Minnie Mouse plate for her of course and a normal plain boring plate as she says for me. I load the plates up with pancakes and fruit and also put some syrup on the pancakes before filling up a sippy cup with juice for her, she holds her cup while I carry the two plates sitting down at the table me sit at the head of the table and with her sitting beside me on my left and we start happily eating.

" Ella"

I say after she has demolished half of her food, she says nothing just nods her head, yes acknowledging that she's listening to me.

" I need you to be a big girl for me just for a little bit okay"

I say causing her to pout but nod her head yes, I give her a minute before speaking again.

" Are you ready?"

I ask not wanting to rush her, she says nothing once again still happily eating her food but nods her head yes. I need her to be big enough to have this conversation with me even though it's not going to be an easy one, and even though she might hate my guts forever after this and leave me again.

" Well I just have a few questions and some things I want to talk to you about as well"

I say honestly.

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