13. Can't Fight Love Xavier

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Xavier's Pov:

Once we get to the cars we go our separate ways and Ryder tells me he will be over later with the others just to hang out for a bit and meet Ella's new friend Kayla, but won't be spending the night which was of course is fine with me, but the whole time I couldn't help but notice how quite Ella was being and how distracted and zoned out she is. I guide Ella around to the passenger side and open the door for her to get in but she's so lost in her own thoughts she doesn't even seem to realize the doors open.

" Angel ?"

I question pulling her out of her thoughts, she blinks a few times before giving me a sweet smile before jumping into the car. I wonder if everything is okay I mean Bella is coming for a sleepover and I proved to her that no one hated her for leaving was I missing something, I think to myself as I buckle her into her seat before shutting the car door closed and getting in the driver's side starting the drive home, I look over to see Ella just happily staring out the window lost in her own thoughts once more. I gently place my hand on her thigh causing her to jump in surprise and look over at me.

" Sorry I didn't mean to scare you little one, you can take my phone and call Kayla and ask if she wants to come to the sleepover if you want to"

I say encouragingly, when I hear nothing I look over to her to see her fidgeting with Daisy's ears again still looking out the window lost in her own thoughts. I decide to leave her be until we arrive home. Soon enough I'm pulling into the long driveway and parking only a few meters away from the front door, I don't say anything just get out of the car and walk over to the passenger side opening the door for Ella to see her now sucking on her paci, snuggling Leo and Daisy looking at me doe-eyed.

" Are you okay Angel ?"

I question, she says nothing just makes grabby hands at me, I say nothing just pick her up placing her on my hip and she quickly wraps her legs around my waist and buries her head in the crook of my neck, maybe after a big day she's ready for a nap. I walk inside after one of my men standing guard at the front door opens it for me and walk into the living room sitting down on the couch gently moving Ella so she's sitting on my lap, causing her to sit up.

" Baby girl please tell me what's wrong, do you not want this sleepover anymore because we can cancel if you want to, or are you just tired from such a big day"

I say gently tucking her hair behind her ear.

" Can I tell truth"

She says in a smaller higher pitched voice than normal and then it hits me that maybe she's slipping deeper into her little space, I mean she always told me from the beginning that her little age range was about 2-3 , but I've only ever really seen her more on the older side of her age range. When I asked her about it she said she does slip into the smaller side of her age range sometimes but it's not very often, I mean that would explain the quietness, and getting distracted easily maybe she's feeling a bit embarrassed about it as well.

" Always"

I say quickly causing her to smile still sucking on her paci.

" I smaller"

She says around her paci making me laugh.

" Are you trying to tell me you just want to be Daddy's little princess for a while?"

I question already guessing what she was trying to say, she says nothing just blushes bright red leaning forward and hiding her head in my chest nodding her head yes causing me to smile.

" You know what?"

I say causing her to sit back up and look at me tilting her face to the side in confusion.

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