12. Sleepover

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Xavier's Pov:
" I could never hate you you're my best friend remember"

Bella says smiling and then they're both running full speed ahead towards the playground making me smile and remember the first time we came here, let's just hope Bella doesn't talk her into any trouble this time.

" Stay where we can see you this time"

I yell after them in unison with Grayson making the two girls nod their heads yes giggling loudly still running towards the playground, I walk back over to the picnic table and sit down with the others watching as Bella and Ella run over to the swing set sitting beside each other gently swaying back and forth talking to each other about god knows what.

" So"

Grayson says drawing out his words making me turn my attention away from the girls to him where he is sitting across the table from me beside Ryder.

" So what?"

I question confusedly.

" So how has it been having her back in your life you idiot"

Grayson says in a duh tone like he was pointing out the obvious, rolling his eyes at me.

" Well I mean he's sober and not yelling at everyone to get out of his face so it can't be going that badly"

Ryder jokes causing me to glare at him while Grayson laughs.

" I wasn't that bad"

I say in my defence.

" No drunk you is a delight"

Ryder says sarcastically making Grayson laugh again.

" Whatever I think you're both being dramatic about this I wasn't that bad, and to answer your questions things have been going well it's almost as if she never left, we've easily fallen back into the pattern of things, I have noticed she gets anxious more easily through"

I say honestly.

" Can't blame her the poor girl went through something traumatic and, who knows what that sick bastard did to her while we were trying to find her she probably has some form of Ptsd she was pretty messed up when we found her"

Ryder says gritting his teeth.

" I know I don't blame her or love her any less, it just means she's more clingy sometimes and needs more reassurance about things take today for example. I wish she didn't have to feel that way, I wish she could just put it onto me I've dealt with enough fucked up shit in my life what's a few more layers"

I say truthfully.

" Yeah, you just need to take your time with things and, be there for her when she needs you but also give her, her space when she needs it too. I only know as Bella struggles with Anxiety herself and if you ever need any advice you can always call me"

Grayson says reassuringly.

" Just make sure to make her a priority this time not putting all this mafia bullshit before her she needs you more than ever and you need her just the same if not more, and for fuck sake take the girl on a date every once in a while do something cheesy and romantic girls love that shit"

Ryder says causing both me and Grayson to laugh.

" Says the only single one here"
Grayson teases making me laugh more as Ryder playfully slaps Grayson's arm.

" I understand what you're getting at, but that would mean I would have to take days off and step away from the business a little bit. I would still be there when you need me but I need to know that you feel confident and ready, I don't just want to throw you both into the deep end"

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