10. Better Than Your Other Friends

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Ella's Pov:

Daddy parks the car on the side of the street as we reach my old apartment building, he gets out of the car and quickly comes around to my side, and opens the door for me helping me out of the car closing the door behind me. He starts walking towards the apartment building but I don't move an inch As I feel panic rising in my chest, my heart beating faster as I quickly look around making sure no one is staring at me. I spit my paci out making it swing from the paci clip still attached to my dress. You see without Xavier I hid my little space from everyone besides those I trusted like Kayla so I'm not used to going out in public like this anymore, and I can't help but think about what would happen if people were to see me like this, what if they do something to me my mind goes straight to the worst case scenario only making me panic more and my breathing to become uneven, I grab the paci clip still attached to my dress desperately trying to disconnect it but fail miserably only causing me to become frustrated nearly ripping my dress trying to pull the stupid thing off, I go to try once more but before I can two strong hands stop me.

" What are you doing Angel ?"

He questions holding my hands in his.

" What if someone sees me, or says something about me or just stares at me like some freak, or Kayla sees me I mean yes she knows I'm a little and I have been little around her before but what if she changes her mind and-"

I rant quickly running out of breath from talking too fast as he interrupts me.

" Hey, it's okay little one breathe okay, one who cares if someone sees you you're beautiful no matter what you wear, and if anyone tries to say something or do something I will always be here to protect you. As for Kayla like you said she knows you're a little and what you are like and she was still your friend right?"

He questions, I take a deep breath in and out before looking into his eyes nodding my head yes.

" And she even looked after you and played with you right?"

He questions again, once more I say nothing just nod my head, yes feeling myself calm down a little.

" See nothing to worry about okay Princess you've got Daisy, Leo, and me here for whatever you need"

He says comfortingly before kissing my cheek causing me to blush bright red as a swarm of butterflies circles around in my stomach, he places the paci back into my mouth causing me to smile and blush before he takes the hand that isn't holding Daisy and Leo in his before starting the walk to towards the apartment building once more. We take the stairs as the elevator is still broken I honestly don't think it ever worked, to begin with, and by the time we get up our second flight of stairs about to go up another level, I hear Daddy mumble under his breath fucking stairs causing me to giggle and, make him look behind him giving me a questioning look before continuing to walk up the last flight of stairs.

" What's so funny?"
He questions still walking up the stairs.

" You complaining"
I tease still giggling.

" Well what kinda place doesn't have a damm elevator "

He whines only making me laugh more as we reach the top of the stairs. Daddy pushes open the heavy fire escape door and we start walking down to the end of the hallway where my apartment is but I stop walking just as we're about to reach my apartment because I see a person well a girl sitting in front of my door with her knees curled up to her chest her arms wrapped around them, almost like she was hugging herself, wearing a black crop top with baggy grey sweatpants with a pair of Ugg boots, as we walk closer I can hear the faint crying and I notice the familiar long brown hair.

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