5. Daddy's Got You

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* Edited* 

Ella's POV:

I wake up the next morning with a splitting headache thanking god that I don't have work today, I look over at my bedside table to see a glass of water and some painkillers causing me to do a little victory dance thanking drunk me for putting them there. I quickly down the water before my phone starts ringing and I see Kayla's name flash across the screen so I answer.

" Hello my drunken friend"

She says causing me to laugh.

" What the hell happened last night I don't remember a thing"

I groan flopping back down in my bed causing her to laugh.

" I honestly don't remember much either, but I do know you went home with someone who looks a goddam god you my friend have good taste in men, and now I need details tell me everything was he good"

She says quickly causing me to sit up in a panic. I went home with some guy, I ignored Kayla on the other end of the phone still asking endless questions searching every square foot of my apartment not seeing anyone causing me to relax a little, I'm still wearing my dress from the night before maybe Kayla was wrong.

" I don't remember this and there is no one at my house"

I say causing Kayla to finally stop talking.

" I know what I saw, he was tall at least six foot, and he had dark brown hair, olive skin, and muscles for days"

She says describing the man causing my heart to stop it was him, did he take me home, did he leave the water and painkillers for me? I have so many thoughts running through my head making my headache even worse.

" I don't know what you saw but I'm home alone and I don't think I had sex"

I laugh nervously.

" Whatever you say, man, anyway thanks again for coming out with me I will see you tomorrow at work"

She says before saying a quick goodbye causing me to do the same before hanging up. I can't believe he was in my house and why didn't he wake me up, or leave me a note or even just tell me.

* Time Skip 2 months later total time apart 1 year*

It's been a year now since I left him and, you would think it would get easier you know the whole saying time can heal anything well that's a bunch of bullshit

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It's been a year now since I left him and, you would think it would get easier you know the whole saying time can heal anything well that's a bunch of bullshit. My life has been the same working, going out with Kayla, and getting drunk over the weekends to escape the thoughts of him that plague my mind and retreat into my little space on my days off, my hours got cut at work due to it being quiet once school returned so, I now only work three days a week so money is tighter then ever it's safe to say I hate my life, I'm pulled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing.

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