3. Drink, Kill, Fuck Repeat

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Xaviers Pov:

It's been a year to this day that I haven't had my little girl by my side my little Ella you would think it would get easier, that I would've moved on by now surely but I can't there is no one like her, it's almost as if we were created for each other. The day I left that hospital room I was heartbroken as much as I hate to admit it, once I left the room I walked into the waiting room where Grayson, Ryder, and Bella were patiently waiting to see if she was okay. As soon as they see me they come running up to me all talking at the same time,  Bella the loudest of all of them wants to know when her best friend can play with her again, I say nothing just hold my hand up in front of me causing them to stop and look at me in confusion.

" She will be okay and she's leaving"

I say quickly. I go to walk away from them wanting to be alone to drown my sorrows in the bottom of a bottle, but Grayson puts his hand on my chest pushing me back, causing me to glare at him this isn't a good time to be testing my patience.

" What do you mean leaving? What the fuck did you say to her we went through all this shit to get her back and what you don't approve of her anymore you're just going to throw her away like last week's trash to get your dick wet in some new whore"

Grayson yells angrily at this point getting the whole room's attention on us. I glare at Grayson not backing down from his hard gaze as his chest rises and falls quickly like his heart is beating out of his chest. Ryder steps between the both of us pushing us at least a meter back from each other looking between the both of us arching his eyebrows.

" Not here outside now"

Ryder says through gritted teeth does he think I just left her too? I say nothing and just walk out of the room quickly outside of the hospital building into the parking lot in front of the black SUV we drove here in. I want so badly to break something anything the rage that's building inside of me is not like anything I've ever felt before, how can one girl hold this much power over me? I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Grayson, Ryder, and Bella quickly joining me in front of the parked car.

" Ella's not coming back?"

Bella questions sadly now on the verge of tears, causing me to sigh and walk over to her picking her up and placing her on my hip then, walking to the backseat of the SUV as Grayson whisper yells something to Ryder. I open the car door with the hand not holding Bella and place her down in the backseat before she looks up at me with tear-filled eyes.

" Xavey?"

She questions causing my heart to twinge knowing Ella had told her that nickname.

" Yes"

I say quickly brushing it off and clipping her seatbelt in.

" Is daddy right did you do something to make her leave? "

She says her voice breaking at the end.

" No honey I wish I could've made her stay but it wasn't my choice"

I say quietly causing her to look at me in confusion.

" What you mean Xavey she left us?"

She questions. I say nothing just nod my head yes causing a stray tear to fall down her cheek.

" Hey don't cry it's okay There's nothing you could've done any differently, and there's still hope that she will come back one day she just needs to figure a few things out"

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