1- Operation Strix

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--- Ostania ---

"How much longer to the embassy?" a man asks as he sits in a car as the driver continues to drive on the road.

"I believe it will be around twenty minutes, sir" the driver says as he looks at the man in the back seat through the rear view mirror, stepping on the break, "huh? The break isn't working!".

"Hey, you! Up front! Look up front!" the man in the back says as he spots something ahead.

The two of them crash through the barrier on the bridge they were driving on as the car falls to the ground, bursting into flames.

--- Westalis ---

"One of our diplomats perished in a car accident in Ostania. But we believe it to be an assassination by the East's far right political party. They are plotting a war against our nation of Westalis. We must do everything we can in order to figure it out" a man says as he sits at the head of the table.

"Let's let him handle it" another man says as he runs his fingers through his hair, "the best agent we have, Twilight".

--- somewhere in the city ---

"Here's the goods I promised" a man says as he passes another man an envelope, "proof that the foreign minister wears a toupee. I even have the negatives".

"Well done" the other man says with a pleased smile, "now we can force him to resign. I look forward to doing business with you again".

The man walks to his car as he gets in, driving off.

"Hey. How about you hand over the goods now?" the same man asks as he stands behind the man who just gave him the images.

"Huh? What- but you just-?" the man says confused, "he got me!".

--- inside the man's car ---

Twilight pulls off the mask as he shakes his hair, putting some glasses on.

Code Name: Twilight. A spy. In an era in which the nations of the world were waging a fierce war of information just out of sight, this man survived that battlefield by being a master of disguise, a man with a hundred faces.

--- that evening ---

"So Daddy's been in such a bad mood lately because someone stole his toupee pictures, or something" a woman with blonde hair says as she sits across from Twilight at a dinner date, "what even? Ugh, I'm so mad. Hello? Are you even listening, Robert?".

"Hmm? Yes, that's rather unfortunate" Twilight says as he continues to eat his food.

There is clapping nearby as the woman looks to her right and sees a man proposing to a woman.

"So, Robert, do you also think one day we'll-?" the woman asks as she rests her head on her hand.

"Karen, let's break up" Twilight says bluntly.

"What?" Karen asks in shock.

"I'm afraid I can't sense any intelligence in your conversations" Twilight says as he stands up, "farewell. May you find happiness".

"Hey, Robert! Wait!" Karen says as she stands up, "you can't just do that to me!".

Sorry, Karen. But I no longer have any use for you nor your family. As of tonight, I am also done with the mask called Robert. Marriage? Conventional happiness? I got rid of those aspirations, as well as my identity, as soon as I became a spy.

Twilight says as he leaves the restaurant, throwing to toupee pictures in the bin.

--- the next morning, at the train station ---

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