7- The Target's Second Son

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It's the morning of Anya's second day at school. Yor is getting ready for work whilst Loid starts to make breakfast. As he's mixing some pancake mix up, he hears Anya's alarm go off in her room. He sighs as he hears the lock to a door click.

"Good morning" Yor says as she comes out of the bathroom.

"Good morning, Yor. Breakfast is ready" Loid says as he looks at Yor.

Looks like the three of us are getting along well and living together is sailing by without a fault.

Loid says as he comes over to the table with some food.

"Did Anya go back to sleep?" Loid asks as he puts the plates down on the table, "I just heard her alarm go off".

The lock to Anya's door clicks as Anya peeks her head out, her face sad.

She's still worried about what happened yesterday?

Loid asks as he studies Anya's expression.

"Come on out. I won't get mad" Loid says as he looks at Anya, "eat quickly, or you'll be late. Isabelle will be here soon".

Anya walks to the table as she climbs onto her chair.

"I'm sorry I'm bad at school" Anya says as she starts to eat her pancakes.

"No, that was my bad" Yor says as she looks down.

"There's no point to worrying about the past" Loid says as he butters his toast, "just make sure you don't get into any more fights. Okay, come on. Cheer up. Your classes start today and Isabelle with be there to help you out".

"You're so kind, Loid" Yor says with a smile.

Figuring out what we can do next is far more important and constructive than dwelling on the past. Besides, it'd be much worse if she somehow got sick of school and didn't want to go anymore. I need her school life to go as smoothly as possible for the sake of this mission.

Loid says as he finishes his breakfast.

--- outside the apartment ---

"Thank you for driving her to school, Isabelle. It helps us save a fortune on the school bus fares" Loid says as Anya gets into Isabelle's car.

"It's no problem" Isabelle says as she starts the engine.

"Make sure you apologise to Damien today, Anya" Loid says as he ruffles Anya's hair, "got it?".

"Yep. Gonna go now" Anya says with a nod.

"Do your best and be a good girl!" Loid shouts as Isabelle sets off, Yor waving them off.

"It's time for us to head to work, too" Yor says as she puts her bag strap on her arm.

"Yes" Loid says with a nod.

I'm counting on you, Anya.

Loid says sternly.

--- at Eden College ---

"Okay, remember to be a good girl today, Anya? I have to go to a quick meeting with the rest of the Imperial Scholars but I'll see you in the classroom" Isabelle says as she passes Anya her bag.

"Yup. See ya later alligator" Anya says as she salutes to Isabelle.

"In a while, crocodile" Isabelle says as she pinches Anya's cheek.

Isabelle walks off as Anya starts to set off when a car pulls up in front of her.

"Have a wonderful day, Miss Becky" the chauffeur says as he helps Becky out of the car.

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