10- The Great Dodgeball Plan

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Master Henderson starts his morning with a quick run around Eden College's campus as he takes in the bright sun and the fresh, crisp, morning air. He goes through his normal morning routine of having a brisk shower, combing his beard and moustache, cleaning his face and getting dressed into his suit for the day. He always shines his shoes before leaving is room as well. He walks through the hallways, making sure everywhere is neat and nothing is out of order before he makes his way to the staff room for his cup of tea.

"Good morning, Master Henderson" one of the teachers says as he walks into the staff room.

"Good morning, Sir" Master Henderson says as he turns to meet the teacher, "would you like some tea, too?".

"Yes, I'd love some" the teacher says with a smile, "it's been a while since you were in charge of the grade school kids. If I'm not wrong, the last time you taught the newcomers was when Isabelle Hullen and Demetrius Desmond first started here. How are the kids this year?".

"I must say, they show promise. More promise than Isabelle and Demetrius did when they first started, and see where they're at now" Master Henderson says as he and the teacher sit down.

"I heard you had to give one of your new students a Tonitrus Bolt on the first day" the teacher says with a chuckle.

"True, it was a rather rare occurrence at our prestigious Eden College" Master Henderson says as he recalls Anya punching Damien.

"It's the first time I've heard of something like that happening, too" the teacher says as he pours himself and Master Henderson some tea.

"I only did what was necessary" Master Henderson says as he sits up properly, "good deeds shall be praised, and misconduct will be met with punishment. That is essential to education".

"I have so much to learn from you, Sir" the teacher says as he bows his head.

"As the elementary students pass through the gates of Eden College to learn true elegance every day, our school's traditions shall live on" Master Henderson says as he looks out of the window, "our house of learning exists to ensure the future of our country is elegant".

--- in the school dorms ---

All of the students living in the dorms, including Damien and Demetrius Desmond wake up and open the curtains as they start to ready for the day, just like the teachers. Damien makes it into the common room for the first years as he looks at the photos pinned on the wall. Damien sees the one that they took on the interview day, and spots him and his brother standing in the top right corner, both of them looking serious, no parents with them.

"Lord Damien!" Ewen says as he walks over to Damien, "look at this, Lord Damien! This is your older brother, isn't it?".

"Yes..." Damien says as he looks at the picture from Demetrius and Isabelle's first year yearbook.

"This must be his entrance ceremony!" Ewen says happily, "he's probably elsewhere in this book, too!".

"Oh, there he is!" Emile says as he points to another photo of Demetrius, "there he is again! And here! He's truly an MVP! Your brother is just raking in the Stella's! How impressive!".

"But I'm sure you'll become an Imperial Scholar even faster, Lord Damien" Ewen says as he looks at Damien, "we all know you'll be the first one in our year to get a Stella".

"Well, yes" Damien says awkwardly.

"But we still have a while until our exams" Emile says as he puts his hand to his chin, "your first opportunity will be... our P.E. class next week. We'll be having a dodgeball tournament against the other classes".

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