8- The Counter-Secret Police Cover Operation

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--- in maths class ---

"Now, can anyone tell me the answer?" the teacher asks as he completes writing the new equation on the board, facing the class.

"Anya, try solving it this way" Demetrius says as he does his best to help Anya.

"It's okay, Mr First Son. I've got this" Anya says as she puts her hand up.

"Forger, your answer?" the teacher asks curiously.

"Three thirds" Anya says confidently, standing up from her seat.

"Hmm, that's very wrong indeed" the teacher says disappointedly.

Isabelle slams her head on the table as Anya sits down, looking blankly at the teacher as some of the kids in the class giggle at Anya's false confidence.

--- somewhere in Berlint ---

"So, how is it going, Twilight?" Handler asks as she sits down at a table in a café, completely dressed up in her suit, "how is your daughter doing with her academics? HQ was estimating that she'd be able to receive eight Stella within four months, especially with the help of Isabelle Hullen, the girl you told us she was close to in the orphanage".

"Four, not a problem" Loid says as he sits down as well, his entire body shaking.

"I see... that your ability to lie has been completely diminished" Handler says as she shuts her eyes.

I'm confident she'll be able to get eight Tonitrus Bolts in four months.

Loid says disappointedly.

"No matter" Handler says as she sighs, "by the way... our informant within city hall was compromised this morning. The enemy is stepping up their game. Be on your guard, Twilight. I shouldn't have to say this about being in the city, but be it at Eden College or elsewhere, you never know where eyes will be watching you. We did a background check on Isabelle Hullen and there was nothing of interest. She's just a regular girl. I know you had your suspicions, but she is someone you can choose to trust if you want. This country's counter intelligence agency is quite tough".

--- in the town hall ---

Three men dressed in dark green military uniform, armed with guns walk towards the boss' office as they barge through the doors into the main office.

"How may I help you gentlemen?" the man sitting at the desk asks shocked by the surprise visit.

"We're with the State Security Service" the man with blonde hair says as he shows the man his badge, "you're Jim Hayward, are you not? We're taking you in on suspicion of being a spy".

"A spy? What are you talking about?" Jim asks confused, as the other two men grab him, "hey... wait! Stop that! Unhand me at on-".

"We'll hear what you have to say back at the office" the blonde haired man says as he punches Jim in the gut.

Millie watches from nearby as she runs back to where Sharon and Yor all are.

"That's totally what happened just now! I'm so scared!" Millie says as she finishes off telling the three of them what happened.

"The guy they took from finance was apparently leaking documents from this office" Sharon says as she smokes her cigarette.

"Oh, he must be a bad person" Yor says as she looks at Sharon.

"Good morning" Camilla says as she walks into the room.

"Oh, good morning" Millie says happily.

"Good morning, Camilla" Yor says as she bows to Camilla.

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