14- Disarm The Time Bomb

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"You won't get away with this, perverted kidnapper" Yor says as she holds Anya close, Anya confused as to what Yor thought had happened to her in the twenty minutes they were apart from one another, "it is far too early for Miss Anya to get married! Even I just got married this year!".

"Mama!" Anya says as she starts to cry, looking at Yor, "I was so scared!".

"There, there. You're safe now" Yor says as she tries to sooth Anya.

That's her Mother?! The girl earlier seemed to be her sister and she knocked me out like it was nothing. I don't even know what happened to the other guys. Now I'll have to dispose of all three of them.

Keith says as he rolls his eyes.

"Oi, pup. Rip out that woman's throat!" Keith orders as he lets go of the German Shepard's leash.

The dog slowly approached Yor and Anya, bearing its teeth at the two of them when Yor whips her hair around, bearing her own teeth at the dog which scares it, the dog running off.

"Hey, come back here!" Keith yells as he looks at the dog.

"Mama! I'm scared!" Anya screams as she looks at Yor's expression.

"What? But you're safe now" Yor says as her face returns to normal.

"What's going on? A fight?!" a man asks as he and his friends look down the alleyway.

Damn it. I can't have more people notice.

Keith says as he looks over his shoulder at the people.

"Come, you big-ass mutt!" Keith yells as he yanks on the white dog's leash, only for the dog not to move, "oh, damn it!" he yells as he kicks the dog, running off after the other dog.

"Hey! Wait!" Yor says as she goes after the man.

No... you can't leave Miss Anya alone, Yor.

Yor says as she ditches the idea, returning to Anya's side.

"Mister Dog!" Anya says as she runs over to the dog.

That should teach Mister kidnapper a lesson! First, I should hand this man over to the police.

Yor says as she takes the leash from the dog, using it to tie up the white dog.

"Are you okay, Mister Dog?" Anya asks as she strokes the dog's head.

"Who is that puppy?" Yor asks as she turns to Anya.

"Um..." Anya says as she thinks about how she can explain this.

"What?! Terrorists and bomb puppies?" Yor asks shocked as Anya explains everything to her.

Bombs?! He doesn't seem to have any bombs.

Yor says as she scans the dog for bombs.

"Mister Dog here saved me" Anya says as she looks at Yor, leaving out the fact that Isabelle probably killed everyone else.

"The most important thing is that you're safe, Miss Anya" Yor says as she stands up, "I was so worried".

"I'm sorry that I ran off without permission" Anya says as she looks down.

"Honestly..." Yor says as she kneels down, taking Anya into her arms, "I'll have to give you a stern talking to when we get home. Anyway, we need to report this to the police".

Yor and Anya walk out into the street, Anya guiding the dog while Yor drags Kurt behind her.

"Miss Anya, do you happen to remember what the bad guys looked like?" Yor asks as she uses the phone box.

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