15- A New Family Member

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Loid puts his up as the dog bites down on him, Loid pulling the jacket off of the dog as he throws it behind them, landing on the ground as the dog continues to bite his arm.

"Its teeth are in him?! This is it!" Keith says as he pulls up at the top end of the alleyway, pressing the button to detonate the bomb.

Isabelle and Anya run past the river as the bomb goes off on the jacket which landed in the river just next to them. The dog scares as he runs off with Anya, Isabelle getting splashed with the large amount of water from the river. Isabelle stands there, completely soaked as she watches the dog run off with Anya.

"What?!" Keith asks shocked as he spots Isabelle at the end of the alleyway, "that bitch from earlier! The one who killed the others?!".

"Sorry about this" Loid says as he throws the dog over into a container, shutting the doors, "I'll let you out later, so stay put".

"That geezer actually managed that?! No..." Keith says as he tries to make out Loid's figure through the smoke, still believing Loid is disguised as the minister, "who the hell is that? Why is it someone else? Did I mess up? Damn it!".

Keith reverse the car as he makes off, not long before Isabelle is on the roof of the car, hanging on for dear life.

We've got the number plate. You're not getting away in that car. Your plan is finished.

Loid says he clutches his arm where he had the padding on so the dog bite didn't rip his skin. Yor continues for the streets, running around, looking out for Anya when she sees a car speeding down the road, Isabelle on top of it.

"What the hell is she doing?" Yor asks as she watches the car turn right, "never mind. I need to find Anya! Miss Anya!".

Isabelle spots a bridge up ahead as she jumps off the roof of the car, flipping over the bridge as she lands on the other side. She sticks out her hand as the car stops at her hand, flipping over her as it lands on the other side of her. Keith manages to come out of the car, getting up as he spots Isabelle.

"What did you do to the others?" Keith asks as he stands up.

"I killed them. Just like I will with you" Isabelle says as she watches him.

"Not if I get the pleasure of killing you first" Keith says as he runs at her with a knife.

"I told you your stupid knives aren't going to do anything" Isabelle says as she whips her head to the side, snapping the blade in half.

Keith growls as he pulls out a gun, pointing it at Isabelle. Just then, someone runs out in front of Isabelle, holding onto her as Keith shoots. Isabelle gasps as she looks up at the person, realising it's Yuri.

"Yuri!" Isabelle says as Yuri holds her behind him.

"Are you okay?" Yuri asks as he glares at Keith.

"I'm okay, but you've been shot" Isabelle says as she looks at the bullet lodged in Yuri's back.

"Who the hell are you?" Keith asks as he looks at Yuri.

"Someone who's gonna bring you in" Yuri says as he takes out some handcuffs.

Suddenly, Keith is pushed back into the wall as he hits his head, passing out. Yuri looks around as Isabelle stands there feigning shock as she knows she was the one who did.

"Let's go" Isabelle says as she grabs Yuri's hand, pulling him away.

"But I'm supposed to bring him in" Yuri says as he looks at Keith.

"Some other poor soul can find him and take him in" Isabelle says as she continues running, just wanting to get away from everything.

After what seems like hours, Yor, Loid and Anya finally all reunite in the middle of four conjoining alleyways.

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