22- First Contact

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The social gathering at Eden College. A traditional event held every half term for Imperial Scholars and their parents, as well as a handful of the alumni, including prominent figures in politics and business, scholars, engineers, artists, and athletes. The line up was always impressive

"The security it rather intense this year" some parents say as they enter the campus and sees armed police at every entrance to every place.

"Yes, well, the crowd is filled with VIPs" the brown haired man says from next to him, "I can't help but be nervous when members of the State Security Service are here".

The level of security here is the same as the summit. I was prepared for that, but this goes beyond even my expectations. Infiltrating it will prove to be difficult. The easiest thing would be if I could get in without needing an Imperial Scholar... but of course, if things were that simple, we wouldn't have initiated Operation Strix to begin with. In the past, intelligence from the West tried infiltrating the gathering many times and ended in failure. We can't keep failing just so they can keep strengthening their defences. The venue for the event is the Tower of Wisdom. Other than the entrance located in the front, there are only a handful of fixed windows. The roof of the tower is a garden, but infiltrating from above would draw too much attention to be feasible. There are currently no promising routes from the basement. At the one and only entrance, they conduct an extensive identity check and body pat down. They also use the most cutting edge detectors. Going in with a disguise or trying to place a wire on someone would be difficult. Because none of the surrounding buildings are taller, it would be impossible to read lips nearby. Perhaps there's a way to sneak into the building days ahead... no, that would pose quite a risk, too. So there's no way to infiltrate the venue? No, with a little bit of force, it wouldn't be impossible to infiltrate just once. For example, if we were trying to assassinate Desmond, it would have been quite possible. But the purpose of Operation Strix is a continuous interaction with Desmond. To get in his good graces and extract information from him. Even if we were able to clear all of these requirements, and tried to get close to him disguised as someone else... famous people would be easy to trace, and if they're accompanied by a child, it'll complicate things even more. And if I disguise myself as school staff or a waiter, I won't even be able to speak with him. I can't utilise any plans that arouse suspicion. Desmond is extremely cautious, so there's a possibility he'd never attend again. My best bet is to interact with him as Loid Forger. All I can do for now is make the necessary precautions for next time. There'll rarely be a chance to encounter Desmond outside the tower, but I'll look into any possibilities.

Loid says as he looks at the grounds of the campus, disguised as one of the staff members at Eden College.

--- in maths class ---

"That ends our class for the day" the teacher says as the bell rings, "the social gathering is this evening, so the school will be closed to anyone who isn't an Imperial Scholar. Any students who are not attending should leave immediately".

"The social gathering... I wonder what it's like" a girl says as she walks out of the classroom.

"Don't all kinds of celebrities show up?" a blonde haired girl asks as she looks at her friend.

"I heard that the cosmonaut Yachayka will give a speech" a boy with blonde hair says to his friends.

"Ooh, the actress Amy, too" his long haired friend says as he looks at him.

"What? Really?" their other friend asks as he looks at the two of them.

"Hey, is your Father going to be there, too, Damien?" a girl with brown hair asks as she walks over to Damien.

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