6- The Friendship Scheme

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Isabelle is around at the Forger's residence, playing with Anya whilst Yor and Loid chill out since Anya has been up all night excited for school. Yor and Loid sit on the sofa, both incredibly worn out when the doorbell rings. Isabelle stands up as she walks to the door, opening it.

"Is this the Forger residence?" the postman asks as Isabelle nods, "here is the post for you".

"I live just next door. Is there any post for me?" Isabelle asks with a smile.

"Ah, yes. Just the one letter today" the postman says as he passes Isabelle the letter, "have a good day".

"Thank you, you, too!" Isabelle says as she shuts the door, "Loid, Yor, here's the post for you. I'll put it down on the table".

Loid and Yor give Isabelle a weak thumbs up sign as Isabelle smiles, sitting back down with Anya who intently watches Bondman. Isabelle opens her letter as she reads its contents.

"Oh my gosh!" Isabelle says as she feigns shock, reading the new of Master Swan's year off.

"What's the matter?" Anya asks as she looks at Isabelle.

"My homeroom teacher has been in a terrible accident" Isabelle says as Yor and Loid start to perk up at the sound of an accident, "they say he won't be able to take part in our final year. What a shame! But the final year students from my class will be joining one of the first year classes as mentors! Since we did all our learning last year, it's only revision and studying for our final exams now so there's no classroom work. It says here that we'll be supporting the first year students!".

"Does that mean you could be in the same class as Anya?" Yor asks as Isabelle passes her the letter so she can read it herself.

"Who knows?" Isabelle says with a shrug.

"It would be nice if you could. I feel it would help Anya settle in a lot better" Loid says as he looks at Isabelle.

"Dear Lord, I forgot!" Isabelle says as she suddenly remembers something she was supposed to do, "I need to go get fitted for my uniform!".

"Anya's due for a fitting today so you're more than welcome to come down to the store with us later today" Loid says with a smile.

"Thank you so much, Loid. You're a life saver. I've been so busy with work, it never crossed my mind. Since we're in our final year, the uniform changed completely for us" Isabelle says as she remembers the changes in the uniform they were told about.

The four of them have a lunch made by Loid and then they head down to the shop so Anya and Isabelle can get their new uniforms.

"And... 99.5" the seamstress says as she measures Anya's height.

"I'm two millimetres bigger than last time!" Anya says as she looks up at Loid.

"I'm sure it's just an error" Loid says as he looks at Anya.

"You never know. Kids grow up so quickly" the seamstress says as she looks at Loid.

"I'll bag these up for you, Isabelle" the cashier says as she brings Isabelle's new uniform over to the till.

"Thank you, Liz. I'm sorry this is so last minute" Isabelle says shyly.

"It's no issue, Isabelle" the cashier says as she starts to register Isabelle's purchase into the till.

"White uniforms? That'll be really hard to get stains off of" Yor says worriedly.

"They change from black to white in your final year. And of course I need the imperial scholar cape, too" Isabelle says as she rolls her eyes.

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