4- The Prestigious School Interview

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TW: child abandonment.

--- the next morning ---

Isabelle corrects her uniform in the mirror as she makes sure she looks her best for the day ahead since even a crooked bow tie could make the difference between passing and failing her exams. She makes her way into the living room, finding the phone as she rings the same number as last night.

Mitri: Isa, why are you ringing me so early in the morning?
Isabelle: A girl called Anya Forger has her interview today. You know the shitty housemaster who just got divorced?
Mitri: Yeah.
Isabelle: Have a note arranged for him to meet someone in the botanical garden on Ground 6 at midday after Anya's interview. I'm gonna go threaten him a bit.
Mitri: You're not gonna kill him, are you?
Isabelle: If he lets Anya pass, no. If he fails her, yes. If she only makes it onto the waiting list, I'll just rough him up a little bit.
Mitri: Okay. I'm in the process of digging up what I can on those two people you gave me last night, but so far, it's a no go. Also, I got a call from the staff at the drop box. They want us in tonight. Apparently, 5 children were dropped off last night. 4 were just born.
Isabelle: You're fucking kidding me. Yeah, I'll be there after school.
Mitri: I'll see you around the campus.
Isabelle: Yeah, see you.

--- in the Forger's apartment ---

"The time has come" Loid says as he looks at Yor and Anya, "let us check our personal effects".

"All clear, sir" Yor says as she searches through her handbag.

"And now, our appearances" Loid says as he adjusts his tie.

"All clear, sir" Yor says as she dusts of her clothes and Anya's.

"And a final check of our verbal etiquette" Loid says as he pays extra special attention to Anya.

"All set, please. Will do my best, please" Anya says as she looks up at Loid.

I feel nothing but anxiety about this, but we've done everything we could. Now, onward, to Eden College's interview!

Loid says as he opens the front door of the apartment.

--- at Eden College ---

"It's huge!" Yor says as she stops at the front gate.

"Well, it is one of the country's top schools" Loid says as he looks at Yor.

"And there are so many examinees" Yor says as she starts to walk again.

"They're all of our rivals" Loid says as he looks around, "Anya, are you going to be okay in this crowd?".

"I'll be okay, please" Anya says as she looks up at Loid.

"Let us go, then" Loid says as he adjusts his hat.

This feeling... there's no doubt about it. I've experienced this many times. Someone is watching us. Could it be... is there an enemy hidden in this crowd?

Loid says as they walk under an archway.

An enemy?

Anya asks after reading Loid's mind.

I feel someone's gaze...

Yor says as she looks around.

No, that's not it. I'm not the only one being watched. It's always an unpleasant feeling to be observed like this. There. Four in the overhead passage. Four in the bell tower. More in the buildings to the left and right. I have information on most of the staff in this school. Those... are the instructors. They're observing every action that everyone is taking and scoring them to see if they're worthy of this school. Which means... the exam has already begun.

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