18- Carry Out The Griffin Plan

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--- at Eden College ---

"Morning, Anya!" Becky says as she runs after Anya, doing her best to catch up to Anya who walks ahead.

"Morning, please, Becky" Anya says as she looks back at Anya.

"Did you see yesterday's new episode of Berlint in Love?" Becky asks as she starts to walk next to Anya, "the two characters finally reunited after overcoming so many obstacles! Oh, and my heart just wouldn't stop pounding at the embrace scene with Vincent!".

"I like cartoons more than dramas!" Anya says as she looks at Becky.

"Oh, you're still such a child, Anya" Becky says as she puts her hand on her hip, "you're probably not interested in romance at all, are you? I take back what I said about you being mature".

"Are you talking about flirty stuff?" Anya asks as she tilts her head.

"I guess you're too young to understand yet" Becky says with a smirk, "if you have love, you can even fly!".

"Liar" Anya says calmly.

"You never know when it'll happen" Becky says happily.

"Hmm, look at them getting all excited over something stupid so early in the morning" Emile says as he, Damien, and Ewen all come down the stairs from the accommodation.

"Out midterms are coming up soon, too. I wonder if those two are even studying" Ewen says as he holds Damien's bag.

"Oh, second son" Anya says as she spots Damien.

Previously, on Spy X Family... Second Son couldn't understand how cool Bond is, meaning Anya had failed the Friendship Scheme.

Anya says as she attempts to imitate the narrator.

If you can come up with an awesome name for your dog, I will let you come over to my house.

Anya says as she twists Damien's words in her head.

Will Anya be able to overcome the Second Son's bullying and complete her mission? Anya's battle continues. Thank you very much for watching.

Anya continues on in her mind.

So, for that reason, I brought a secret weapon today. I asked Papa yesterday to have another family photo taken, this time... with Bond. If I show him this...

Anya says as she smirks.

--- inside Anya's brain theatre ---

"Woah, who is this huge doggy?" Damien asks as he picks up the picture Anya dropped, "let's battle to see who's dog is stronger! I'm sorry for ignoring you the other day".

"His name is Bond" Anya says smugly.

--- present day ---

Anya walks along as she manages to let the photo slip from her grip.

"Oh, no! I have dropped a photo with my family and my really cool dog in it" Anya says, loud enough for Damien to be able to hear, "Anya is so clumsy...".

"The range of possible questions for the exam is so wide" Ewen says as he, Damien, and Emile all walk past Anya.

"It really is" Emile says as they ignore Anya.

"Shock!" Anya says as the photo is blown away by the wind.

"Oh, for crying out loud. Just let them be" Becky says as the photo lands in front of her, "this is why a mature guy is much better than those children. Oh, come on, Anya. You dropped something" she says as she picks up the photo, looking at it, "he's so amazing..." she says shocked, "who in the world is this unbelievably hot guy?! Are you telling me this is your father?! Hello?! You never told me about him! Introduce me to him! Well? What's his name? Is he seeing someone right now?".

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