1. Rescue (R18)

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TW: Blood, Harassment/Abuse

- Hara's POV --

I kept running from those people I don't know about.
'What are they implying for?'
'What do they want from me?'
I'm still running as fast as I can until those men doesn't see me.
"Hah, hah, hah." I.am.tired...at running.
"Please...some..one save me." I kept panting until I stopped and hide.
I hope someone would save me.

"We need to find that girl fast."
"We need to at least get that girl's book. There's the code that we need to unlock that door."

I heard many kicks and punches throughout the trees. I almost cried at fear. I couldn't help myself. I really need to hide. This forest is huge. Anxiety crept me out.

A huge light is almost close to me. I used my hands to block my lips. I teared up without trying to make a noice. I'm desperately need to save me from this sh*t.

"Gotcha!" The tall one caught me. Both of them grabbed my arm. They tried to find the book but good thing, I hid it very safe.

"AH! THAT HURTS!" I screamed in pain from the way they grab my arm. I felt weak after they harassed and abused me.
Both of them got mad and punched me in my stomach. I begged and begged to stop but they keep doing it.

"Tell me where's the book and I'll let you go." The tall one grabbed my chin and held tightly. I made a death glare since I really don't like them from the start. They're greedy to get the treasure from my dad. Good thing, I was smart to hid the book with them clueless.

"Heh, do you think I would tell you Jihun? Both of you k!lled my dad, and I will not tell you about it." I made a smirk afterwards.

Jihun got angrier than before, while his friend keep hurting my physically until I get weaker and weaker. My body is in pain and bloody. I can't move an inch. I can't defend myself. It's been months since I got kidnapped, but still they're still don't know where the book is.

He picked a huge rock and tried to hit it on my head. After that, they ran leaving me behind. I can see my own blood running on the ground. I think I'm going to die. Still I don't want to reveal the secret from my father's book. Maybe I will join my parents in heaven. The blood is still leaking. My vision went blurry until I get my eyes slowly closing.

-- Taesan's POV --

Woonhak and I are finding some wood to fuel the campfire.

"Ah finally we can breathe the fresh air. The sunset is cool isn't it hyung?" Woonhak really captures the smile along the sunset. After all he is our maknae, the only teddy bear in our group.

Wait, I smell something. I smell blood. A human blood.

"Um, Woonhak do you smell something else other than fresh air?" Woonhak smelled and his face got crunched. "Hyung, I smell-"

"Yes Woonhak, it is blood. We need to find it." We searched the area and I saw a trace of piece of a cloth covered with blood. It's still fresh and new.

"Hyung! I saw someone! It's a girl and stills breathing. We need to save her! I'll call the others."

"That's a great idea, but you need to get faster. She's in critical form." Well, good thing I brought some first aid, in case one of brothers got hurt. I checked her pulse and she's still breathing. I assume that her head got hit by something. Maybe a metal or a rock?

I used my handkerchief to block its leaking from her head. I wonder what happened to her.

"Hyung! We're here!" All of my brothers came and helped me get her to the hospital.


"The girl is safe, but there's one condition that might affect her brain."

"Then, what is it, Doc? What kind of condition?" Jaehyun hyung anxiously asking to the doctor. "Jaehyun you're worrying too much. You don't even know that girl. Even us too doesn't know her." Why does Sungho hyung have to be this mad? "Of course it's a girl, we need to at least save her. And besides she is a human too." Jaehyun politely answered Sungho hyung's question. Sungho hyung kept rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

"The girl has a retrograde amnesia. It is a memory loss that usually doesn't remember anything before the amnesia happens. About a couple weeks might wake her up and she can leave the hospital."

"So that means, she'll get a coma in a month?" Sungho hyung respond to the doctor. "Thank you doc for the info. We'll take care of that girl." Leehan brightly smiles to the doctor like a pure innocent puppy. That's why I love being with Leehan. He's cool and friendly. He maybe randomly weird but yeah he is still cool.

"Anyway, does one of has a relative to the patient?" The doctor asked. "Actually, we just rescue her from the forest, weak and wounded."

"Even Jaehyun hyung got scared because he thought it was a white lady." Woonhak teased Jaehyun hyung. Jaehyun looked embarrassed at what happened. "It's because you tried to scare me while running." He even looked more like a cute cherry on his cheeks.

All of us went upset because of that poor girl. I can't believe her condition went crucial. Our hands is in luck cause we saved someone else's life.

"So what are we gonna do? We can't leave her like this. She has an amnesia and she might get hurt again if we leave her." Woonhak is also worried and he is right, we need to do something for her.

"Woonhak is right we need to do something. What if we let her live in our house just for 8 months? Deal?" Leehan suggested. Jaehyun and Riwoo agreed and nodded too. I also agreed, but...

"Sungho hyung, your answer is all we need. Are you in or not?" Jaehyun hyung begging for him to agree using his puppy-like eyes. All of us can't resist his charisma when it comes to begging.

"Fine, but in one condition. We need to let her help us in our house. Ok?"

"Yes!" All of us happily shouted in unison.

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