14. Incident

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(Back to Present)

Taesan's POV

"So what now?" Sanghyeok hyung just broke the silence after she shuts the door in front of us.

"Maybe we should go head back to our home." Leehan replied. We immediately ran back to our house. As we go back to our room, we checked Hara if she's ok. She's sleeping peacefully with her fish plushie that Leehan gave to her. It's a relief that she's ok.

Me and Sungho hyung are just only people in this house didn't slept. Sungho hyung just played video games while me, I need to find my paint to finish my customized shirt. But suddenly, we hear a scream coming from Seoyun's house.

Both of us looked and we rushed outside the house. I can't believe what I saw. No, what we saw.

The house... Seoyun's house is on fire. The others woke up even Hara. Woonhak just balled his eyes up. "Wha-what happened? I just woke up and I just heard Seoyun's voice screaming and-" He got shocked at he saw. All of us did.

We didn't hesitate to help her house getting rid of this arson. We contacted the fire department.

"Someone help...me!" That's Seoyun! She's still inside the house. I need to help her! We ran inside the house to rescue her. But Hara stayed until she gets rid of the fire using a water hose. "Be careful guys, you might get hurt." She got worried of us and gestured.

"Don't worry, we'll be ok." All of us got inside the burning house. The fire is getting bigger. We took the handkerchief and trying to find her. "I-I'm here!"

She's inside of her room. She got stuck from the blocked debris. "Guys, I found her!" They got immediately help me lifting the debris and saved her from getting stuck.

But there's one thing...
The fire is getting bigger and bigger. We all stuck inside the house. We got blocked by the fire.

"Ah!" Jaehyun hyung got burnt his arm. "The fire is massive, how can we get out of here?" Woonhak and Seoyun coughed, both of them are suffocating from the smoke. But then I heard another scream. It's Hara.

"Guys! Where are you?" She's concerned. I feel weak from the smoke. All of us coughed and weak, but we need to protect Seoyun. "We-we're here...Hara" Sungho answered. "Please I don't want to die yet." Jaehyun cried while he tries to protect Seoyun.

I see only smoke and its hurting my eyes. It's getting teary and blurry. I can't see but I need to save her. I feel weaker and weaker. I need to stand up.

"Taesan!" I got lost conscious.

Hara's POV

"Guys! Where are you!" I'm concerned and afraid of what's going to happen next. And...and it's scary to see. I get déja vu at seeing the arson. I'm...traumatized.

"We-we're here Hara." I heard Sungho. His voice is getting weaker as he said it. But the fire's too big, I can't get in. A loud noise is going nearby. I bet it's the fire truck. Finally, they'll going to save them.

"Please save my friends inside the house. They're trying to save someone inside and they're stuck. Please save them." I feel worried. This feeling I had is similar before. But I want them to get out of there.

The fire fighters went inside and saved them from the fire. The fire went out after and treated also. "Thank you for saving them."

"You're welcome, ma'am." She bowed and left the fire truck right away. An ambulance and the police came by just right on time. I wondered why this incident happened.

"It's ok boys, he will wake up in no time. He will be ok. He needs rest." The doctor recommended to Sungho and Jaehyun about Taesan. Taesan is still unconscious. While Jaehyun is being treated from his wound. And the others are covered with wet towels.

I was going to get close with them but the girl is with them talking. But I insisted to get even close to them.

"Thank you boys for saving me. I'm sorry for causing you more trouble ever since we've met. I always carried so much trouble that it ended up you guys hurting. I'm so sorry." She felt guilty and upset but Sungho said this to her. "It's ok Seoyun, we want you to be safe from those trouble." She hugged them and she changed her mood. So Seoyun is her name, huh. That's a pretty name.

Seoyun noticed me beside Riwoo and Jaehyun. "So boys, who is she? Is she your new friend?" She pointed me clueless. "Oh, don't mind me I'm just-"

"Her name is Hara, and yes she's our new friend." Did just Leehan interrupts me? I was going to say I was only a stranger that rescued me from the forest but we'll that's ok.

"Nice to meet you Hara! I didn't know you are the boys' new friend. So how did you met them personally." She was excitingly sincere and nice to me. She even shakes hands to me.

"Oh, um. I just- I just met them at the-"

"Oh we met her at the park and she..." Riwoo got out of ideas to lie with her. He gestured Sungho to help him lie to her. "Um she was lonely and she needs a home to stay with and..." Sungho gestured at me to continue the sentence. "And it's because I lost my memories and I don't know where is my real home so I stayed at their house." At least I didn't lie so...yeah.

"Oh so it means 'Hara' isn't your real name." I nodded. "And you want to stay at their house to recall your memories?" I nodded again. "Then I'll help you recall your memory then." She happily clapped and took my hands. "Ok I'm a psychology student and I guess I'll use what I learned for you. Is that good for you?" I nodded again.

"That's great! Then I'll see you at their house to examine your past. It was nice to meet you. Hara." I went blank and lost of thought to speak to her. I can't believe that she is sociable. She's very nice too. So that's why they fell in love with that girl.

I looked after to them and yes, they got mesmerized at her beauty and personality. I face palmed myself. "Come on guys, we need to get Taesan back to the house. Do you hear me?" I snapped them out one by one. Gosh, I can't with their delusions.

We took Taesan back to his room to rest more and get back to our perspective rooms. It's a bit suspicious of what happened to Seoyun's house incident. I looked from the window to see her but she talked to the police at what happened and police got away.

Seoyun saw me from the window and waved at me. Wasn't she supposed to be afraid at what happened or traumatized? Why is she happy at all times? Maybe she was born optimistic? Ugh, I think too much I need to go to sleep. I waved back to her and laid down my bed.

It was a weird night for me. I need to prepare tomorrow for a fresh new day.

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