10. How it Started (2) [Jaehyun]

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"Please someone save me!"

I followed the scream and it's her. I have to save her. There are two robbers trying to rob her bag. People are in panic and hide.

"Give me all of your money or I'll hurt this girl!"

"Hey you!" The one who has a gun points me. What should I do? I need a plan. "If you want to save this girl, you have to give me your wallet first!" He pointed the gun at me.

I have to think a plan.

I slowly walk to them. "Let go of her first."

"Not until you handed out your wallet to us."

This is tough. I have no choice but to give it to them. But not until...

Seoyun made a self-defense by stepping the robber's foot and it's my chance to fight and call 911. I took the chair beside me and slams both of them. She's already out and took her bag. She also slams them but this time it's stronger than mine.

The other robber took the gun but I hit him again with my canvas and it made him unconscious.

People are pleased at our heroism and called the cops right away. "Thank you children for saving us." An old woman thanked us and others too. "We should at least pay something for saving us."

"Oh you don't have to that. It's ok to me." She responded. "It's fine to me for not rewarded." I feel suddenly awkward and nervous.

"Thank you for helping me earlier. It's so cool the way you slams them with that chair. It's like we're having an action movie." She smiles and I smiled also. Am I having a cherry face? I can't stop smiling at her. "Thank you too for saving us I think? But it was nice to meet you Seoyun."

Seoyun looked at my torn canvas and picked. "Your canvas, it's torn. You really worked hard to paint it."

"Oh it's ok I'll do it again some time. You don't have to worry."

"Are you sure? I'll buy you a new one if you like."

"No, it's ok. You don't have to do that."

"Ah, ok, well then see you around." She waved her hand as she signals her goodbye. I waved her back too as she smiles after and ran like nothing happened.

I saw a guy stood on the sidewalk with her. I don't know who is he but I want to know. His outfit is a bit similar to someone. Nah, you're just thinking things Sungho. You're just only jealous! Don't overthink things, it might break you.

-- Jaehyun's POV --

"C'mon guys it's my turn to talk to her." The others looked at me smiling and teasing me. "Ok hyung if you say so."

"Um, Seoyun, I know that we talked a lot many times but I'll say this to you again. I have a crush on you and, and I don't know why but I'm going crazy. Whoever is that guy you talked about last week, I hope this serves you as your happiness."

"Well thank you Jaehyun, I also thankful that I met you too. In fact it was nice meet you all. Anyway I really need to go now. Have a nice night boys!" She waved her hand as usual. I remember how we met that time because of her friendly attitude.

-- (Past)

"Jaehyun-ah! Pass the ball to me!" We're playing soccer with my childhood friends in the field. I passed the ball smoothly to my friend. He scored the ball and won the game. "Yes! We won Puppyz Team, now time for the bet."

"You guys need to buy snacks for each of us."
"Oh c'mon that's unfair!"
"Oop! That's our condition. You have to do that."
"Fine, we'll be back."
"Um Jaehyun we'll go to the store because my mom just texted me to go there. Don't I'll be back too."
"Me too Jaehyun, I have to get my sister from school."

"Oh that's ok guys, I'll wait here." All of them left me behind and played soccer alone. Practice as usual.

"Arf! Arf!" Huh? There's a dog? There's a dog! A cute fluffy dog!

"You're such a cute dog. Do you have an owner? You don't have a dog tag. I think I should call you 'Myungie'. Gosh you're so cute!"

The dog seems friendly and kind. I played with him with my soccer ball. We also played fetch in few minutes. What it took so long for them to come back. I can still wait awhile.

The dog suddenly barked somewhere, it's a girl.

"Miso-ah! Where are you?!" I heard a squeaky toy and the dog ran to her. I think that's his owner.

"Thank you so much for taking care of my dog. Phew, it's exhausting to find and ran everywhere just to find him." She sat beside me and drank water bottle. I handed her an extra towel to her. "Thank you." She's still panting and sighed.

"Arf! Arf!" The dog barked at her like he wants to play with her. "I'm sorry Miso but I need rest from finding you."

The dog just walked to me like he want me to play with him. "Do you want me to play with you?"

I played with him only two minutes. We played fetch and it's fun. "You really like dogs aren't you?" She asked.

"I do love animals especially dogs. I'm a dog person anyway."
"I'm also a dog person too. I love animals. But it's still exhausting to take care of it since they're energetic and naughty at the same time."

"Well I can't argue with that, they are really stubborn but a funny companion." I kept playing with him until he's tired from it.

"May I...know your name?" I opened up my right hand to her shyly. "My name is Seoyun. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Myung Jaehyun, nice to meet you too Seoyun. I hope we could meet again sometimes." Both of us shaked hands and smiled at the same time.

"I hope too." She smiled without her eyes and walked away from here. She also waved goodbye and took Miso home.

"I really met a girl that I've been looking for. The one who will love me too." I felt a romantic excitement and smile a lot.

Seoyun huh? That's a pretty name.

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