Let go too soon - Brett Young

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There was an empty whiskey bottle by the bed stand of Brett's room. His eyes opened slowly after sleeping for a few hours. He had a headache, the type of pain that he usually feels after a Friday night drinking too much. The light coming through the bedroom windows made him close his eyes again, and he rolled his tired body on the bed, reaching across the sheets to touch you. 

But you weren't there...

Brett mumbled your name, suddenly reminding himself that you weren't there.

You left him three months ago, and even though Brett told everyone that he didn't miss you, he was lying. He could go out with friends and drink too much whiskey, but his heart was feeling shattered. He had let you go too soon...

Brett ran his hands through his face and wonder if you wake up every morning missing him too. He wanted to reach his phone and call you to ask you all the questions that were dancing around his mind. 

You always talked about New York, or maybe you moved to Newport Beach and bought a house with a sea view... Maybe you had already moved on with a good guy that was introduced to you by one of your best friends.

Brett couldn't stop wondering if you were feeling as lonely as he was feeling right now.

And he wanted to know if you had let go too soon...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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