Preferences: Insecurities

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Luke Bryan: Your feet were hurt for using those big heels in a party. You just wanted to feel pretty.

"Hey Luke...", you called your handsome husband that was taking off the suit.

"What's wrong, honey?"

You don't know how to say it.

"Do you think I'm too small?", you ask. Since a teenager you struggled with the fact that you were shorter than most girls with only 4"12 ft.

"Why are you asking that, baby?", he says, getting closer to you. He is so much taller than you.

"Just want to know..."

"I think you are perfect the way you are baby.", Luke says and takes you in his arms caring you like a bride. "I love you the way you are."

Chris Young: You loved your boyfriend Chris so much, but sometimes you couldn't stop yourself from being insecure about your relationship. Maybe it's because your ex-boy was a cheater, and now you have some confidence issues. You knew Chris loved you, but sometimes you wondered if he could be capable of cheating on you.

"Are you okay, honey?", Chris asks. Your thoughts were far away from there.

"Yes, yes.", you say.

Chris looks at you. He didn't believe in that.

"You can talk to me. You know that, right?"

There was no way you could lie to Chris. He knew you very well.

"I was just thinking... Could you ever be capable of leaving me?"

The look on Chris's face changed.

"Why are you thinking about that, honey?", he says, holding your hand on his. "I am not the one who hurt you before... I love you. I'll always love you."

You smiled shyly. There was no reason to be insecure. You have finally found the man of your dreams.

Keith Urban: "My work isn't good enough...", you mumble looking at your brand new painting. In your head it was such a good idea. But now it looked horrible. A bunch of colors, but no beauty in that.

Maybe you have lost your ability to paint.

"It looks beautiful.", the voice of Keith comes behind you.

"It sucks, Keith... I'm so disappointed."

Finally you see him when he gets closer to you.

"What are you talking about? It's a really nice painting.", he says and kisses your cheek. "Don't be so hard on yourself, baby girl."

Carrie Underwood: Your big insecurity was your own body. You were no model. There were some stretch marks on your belly that made you feel really insecure (so insecure that you didn't want to go to the beach on the summer).

"Hey darling, look at me.", Carrie says. "Stretch marks are okay. There's nothing wrong with you."

"But I hate them... I just wish they could go away...", you say trying to hide your tears.

"Baby...", Carrie says kissing your head. "Everybody has stretch marks. They are no big deal. You are a beautiful girl.", and hold your hand. "The most beautiful girl for me in the world."

Blake Shelton: Blake was always surrounded by beautiful women. I mean, look at him: he is so handsome and women really like him. Sometimes you get a little insecure about that because you start to compare yourself with the other girls, thinking to yourself if you are pretty enough for him.

"That's silly.", Blake says holding you in his strong arms. "I love you so much and for me you are the most beautiful woman in the world.", he leaves a sweet kiss on your lips. "You don't have to worry. I love you."

Dylan Scott: You looked at your own reflection on the mirror, the way the black dress looked on your body. Sometimes you couldn't help but feel a little insecure about your looks. In some days you wish you could be skinny like those pretty models or actresses on the television. But you had some back rolls and stretch marks... Your arms weren't skinny enough... Your legs weren't skinny enough.

"Are you ready, baby?", your husband Dylan says walking into the room. "We should get going or we are going to be late.", you were going to the VMA.

"Yeah, I know...", you reply, looking at your reflection.

Dylan gets closer, putting his arms around you. The reflection of your two is now in the mirror. He looks so handsome. You just wish you could feel more confident.

"What's wrong, baby?", he ask, kissing your neck. "You look so beautiful tonight."


Dylan looks at you trying to understand why you would ask that.

"Yes, really. You look beautiful, honey.", he assures you. "What's wrong?"

"I... I'm just not feeling confident...", you start to confess. "Do you think this dress makes me look fat? God, I wish I could be skinny enough to..."

"Hey.", he interrupts you and holds your hand as he looks you from head to toes. "You are beautiful just the way you are. Believe me."

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