Rodeo - Kane Brown

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"Love is like a rodeo, rodeo, rodeo, rodeo"

The Houston show was crazy and I was feeling exhausted. But still me and the boys went for a drink in the hotel bar at night. I guess I can never say no to a glass of whiskey on the rocks.

But what I didn't know at the moment I entered the bar was that the girl of my life would be at that same bar on that night.

"Nah, Jack will always be better.", my friend Chris was saying as we enter the bar.

"Walker is better, believe me.", Jimmy argued.

I just smiled. They were always arguing about something (this time was about the best whiskey), but in the end those two were brothers for life.

The neon lights of the bar made me feel almost at home. I could hear the country music playing and the people talking and laughing. The smell of cigarettes in the air. The sound of glasses full of beer.

And then, walking inside, someone caught my eye. Sitting at the bar, I could see some girl. Her long hair falling down on her red dress. In her hands was a glass of whiskey. Man, she should be going through something. What other reason would be for a pretty girl to be drinking all alone at a hotel bar on a Friday night?

I felt like I just had to talk to her. But I needed to find courage first.

I talked to the barman and asked for a drink. My friends were still talking about something but I wasn't paying much attention.

"Kane?", someone said my name. "Kane?"

"Hum...", I said staring at my drink. Then I looked to Jimmy beside me.

"You should go.", he said.

"Where?", I was confused. Did I lose something important on my friend's conversation?

"Talk to her, man.", Jimmy stated.

Oh, the girl in the red dress.

She was still there on the bar, listening to the music playing and with a glass of whiskey in her hands.

"I don't know...", I said. Why was I suddenly so nervous about talking to a girl?

I wanted to know her name.

"You never know if you don't try.", Chris said joining the conversation and in an act of courage I stand up. I needed to talk to her.

Her gaze shifted from the bar counter to my eyes as I sat next to her.


"Hey.", she said.

Now near her, I realized that her eyes were so beautiful.

"I'm Kane.", I said trying to start a conversation.

"Nice to meet you, Kane.", she answer and gave me a small smile. "What brings you to this bar tonight?"

She didn't told me her name.

"Just having fun with friends.", and she looked over my shoulder to see the boys sitting by the other side of the bar. "What about you?"

First she didn't seem to want to answer that.

"Heartbreak, I guess.", she finally spoke and then she drank a little bit more.

I wanted to ask her more about that. Did anyone broke her heart?

And why did I feel like if she were mine I would never hurt her? I just met her. But it felt like I known her since ever.

"I think I should head back to my room.", she said and dropped a dollar bill on the counter. "It was nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too...", I said watching her stand up.

I didn't want to let her go... Couldn't she stay a little more?

"Hey, wait...", I said before she could go away. "Can I have your cellphone number?"

She stood in front of me and nodded. My heart was racing as she took my hand and wrote her number on it with a pen she took out of her purse. I watched the way she wrote the numbers.

I looked at my hand as she let it go. Just then I realized there was a number missing.

"Wait, there's a number less.", I said to realize she was already going away.

"Well, call me when you found out the last number."

She let a smile escape from her lips before walking away. I didn't even knew her name.

But at that moment I just could think that love was like a rodeo. 

8 seconds and I feel in love.


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