Preferences: First kiss

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Carrie Underwood: Your first kiss with Carrie was on the ferris wheel. It was her idea to go out and even if you were just absolutely terrified about the height, Carrie told you it would all go alright. She was holding your hand and when the wheel started to spin you held her hand really close to you. "It's okay, baby." She said. "I... I know... I just don't ... like heights..." You tried to say as the city became to look smaller at each second. "Hey, look at me." Carrie said. But you were so scared that you could only feel the heart pumping in your chest. Looking at Carrie she smiled at you as her face became closer to you. And, almost forgetting everything around you, you felt her lips crashing into yours melting like honey. She was so gentle and you were still holding her hand when you two broke apart from the kiss. God, how much you loved her... That you swear you would go again on the ferris wheel just for stealing some more kisses. 

Luke Bryan: Your first kiss with Luke was an innocent one. You were teenagers trying to figure out what love was about. You were best friends since kids but then suddenly you started to look at Luke thinking you wanted him more than a friend. He made your world better. He helped you when you felt sad when your dog died or you didn't have a good grade in some class. Luke was always so sweet with you. And you loved him. So in one of the days you passed together talking for hours, you two end up kissing on the old barn. It was your first kiss and you couldn't ask for a better kisser than the love of your life.

Brett Young: You were sixteen when Brett stole his father's car to pick you up at home for a ride. On the radio was playing some country love song by George Strait and you were smiling and singing along with Brett on the wheel. He took you to a beautiful lavender field to watch the sunset. "It's so beautiful..." You said and feeling your face blushing you took his hand. Brett smiled and getting closer, you felt your heart jumping in your chest. Was he going to kiss you? Because you wanted it for so long. "Can I kiss you?" Brett asked and it was like he could read your thoughts. You were feeling so anxious that you could only nod.  And touching your lips, Brett made that the perfect sunset.

Tyler Hubbard: Back when you were twenty you went for a summer trip with your best friend Tyler. With no destination you two just went for a trip to meet the United States. Everyday was different and in that summer you could almost swear you felt forever young. For as long as you remember, Tyler was your best friend but in that summer you could feel yourself falling for him at each day. So on the last day of your trip you were surprised when Tyler held your hand looking at you in a way he never looked before. "Before this trip ends, can I confess something?", he asked. "Sure.", you said. Tyler looked nervous. "I can't keep being your best friend.", he said and you felt your heart missed a beat. "I can't keep just being your best friend... I... I like you way more than that..." he confessed. "Don't take me wrong, but ... I love you. More than best friends should...".  You couldn't help but smile, and almost without thinking you kissed him (like you always wanted to do). 

Chris Young: You were back in the town for your university holidays. It was Christmas time and you were so happy for seeing your family and friends again. So on the first days of your holiday, Chris texted you for some beer on your favorite bar. You couldn't lie to yourself: you were so enthusiastic to see him. He smiled when he saw you walking inside the bar with your hair all messed up because of the wind outside on the street. He was looking pretty as always and you knew that after all the time away on the university you were still in love with that man standing by the bar. What could you do if the heart wants who it wants? Some hours passed with beer and conversations. He told you all about his life and you told him about the city life and the university style. When he drove you back home, you invited him to come inside the house to take a drink. The truth was that you didn't want that night to end. And maybe Chris was thinking the same because he couldn't wait anymore time to kiss you. 

Justin Moore: Your first kiss with Justin was a silly one. You were a little bit drunk (a little bit of too much Jim Beam on that night). You two were sitting in the yard watching the stars with a bottle by your side. You were giving some hints to Justin all night but he didn't make a move and in that moment you were too much drunk to not let the words slip out of your mouth. "Are you gonna kiss me or nah?". Justin smiled. "Why didn't you ask early?" 

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