She's mine - Kip Moore

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Your best friend Kip asked you to go out on a Saturday. You were best friends since childhood and you two were inseparable. You know you could always count on Kip. He was your confidant and best friend. But over the years, and now that you were both adults, things seemed to start to change. You don't know exactly when you started looking at Kip in another way... it was still difficult to admit to yourself, but what you felt for him was more than a friendship... you started to fall in love with him. But could he ever feel the same way about you?

You chose your red dress and got your hair done before you walked out the door. Kip was already waiting for you, lying on the hood of the car with his sunglasses.

 Kip was already waiting for you, lying on the hood of the car with his sunglasses

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He jumped off the car and looked at you with a smile.

"You look beautiful," he said, looking you up and down.

You smiled a little shy.

"You're not too bad either, Kip.", You answered before greeting him with a kiss on the cheek.

Kip chose his favorite bar in the town. You used to go there a lot. It had been with him in that bar that you first got drunk when you turned twenty-one. That little bar kept the best memories of going out with friends on Friday nights.

You ordered drinks and watched a football game on television. The bar was full of people and you talked to some friends you met there.

While talking you thought to yourself that it was impossible to deny how much you liked that man sitting next to you at the bar. His smile made your heart tremble. When did you stop thinking of Kip as just a friend? Everything had changed so suddenly. 

But you were his best friend since ever. You saw Kip dating girls who didn't value him. You saw the times when he was heartbroken and when he fell in love too quickly with some girl. You were his best friend and his confidant. Could he ever see you as more than that?

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Kip raised his beer glass to his lips looking at you.

"Is everything okay?" He asked. "You are very thoughtful today."

You shook your head.

"Sure. I'm fine." you said.

He smiled at you, but he didn't seem much convinced. He felt that you were hiding something from him, but the truth was that he too was hiding something from you too... For some time now.

"Did I already say that you look beautiful today?", Kip asked making you smile.

"Yes. But I accept one more compliment.", You said and at that moment Kip held your hand over the bar.

You could have sworn that your heart skipped a beat in that moment. It wasn't the first time he held your hand, but now everything was different. You were in love with your best friend.

"If I do something, do you promise not to be angry?", Kip asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Just promise not to be upset with me.", He asked. "Trust me."

"You know that I always trust you.", You said, and before you could think more about it, Kip came over and kissed you. His warm lips tasted slightly like beer when they moved against yours. He kissed you slowly and carefully as if he was afraid of how you would react. But when you felt his kiss you only managed to give yourself to that moment. You were kissing your best friend, and nothing in the world could feel more right.

Your heart was beating fast in your chest when he ended the kiss and smiled at you.

"If I knew you would react like that I think I would have tried my chance earlier.", Kip said and then winked at you making you blush.

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