Cop car - Keith Urban

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We drove right past

That no trespassing sign

We sat on the tailgate

And watched the planes take off

We thought we had all night

There was no need to rush

That's when those cops

Came pulling up

And I thought

Man, ain't this some shh

Sitting beside me on my old truck, she looks beautiful under the pale moonlight. Her eyes now have a little silver color in them, making her look even more mysterious.

"What's wrong?, She asks when she catches me staring again at her.

"Nothing.", I say. But the truth is that I have so much to tell her, but I never find the courage to do it.

I remember the first time I saw her; she was smiling for some customer as she helped an old lady to choose some clothes. She felt like the sunshine in a grey and rainy day in Nashville. Since that day I went to the shop she worked a couple more times until I finally got the courage to ask her out for a coffee. I felt a lucky man when she said yes.

And now we are here, sitting side by side on the tail gate watching the planes take off.

I wish I had the courage to tell her what I  really feel...

"Don't they look like shooting stars?", she says, bringing me back to the reality.


"The planes on the night sky, dummy.", and she touches my arm. "Maybe we could ask for a wish just like a shooting star."

"What do you want to wish for?", I ask looking at her.

"Well, I can't tell you. They say we cannot tell our wishes or it will not come true."

"Yeah, maybe.", I say. "I have a wish too.", and she looks at me. "Do you wanna know?"

"If you want to tell me..."

And almost without thinking about it, I let the words finally come out of my mouth.

"I wish I could kiss you right now."

By my side she doesn't look offended or something like that. In fact , she tries to hide a smile in her lips.

"Why don't you try?", she suddenly asks, getting a little closer to me. Her eyes shine as I touch her face trying to take it slow.

I love her so much. But she doesn't know that yet.

Her face is inches from mine and I can smell her sweet perfume before I touch her lips for the first time. We move slowly still trying to find our rhythm. Her kiss tastes like strawberry bubblegum. Her hands are slowly touching my hair and neck.

But then as we kept kissing, I heard the sound of sirens coming from the distance.

Your daddy's gonna kill me

But if I survive tonight

I wouldn't change one thing

Baby, yeah

I know it sounds crazy

But there was somethin' bout the way

The blue lights were shinin'

Bringing out the freedom in your eyes

I was too busy watching you

Going wild child

To be worried about going to jail

You were thinking that

Running for it

Would make a good story

I was thinking you were crazy as hell

And you were so innocent

But you were stealing my heart

I fell in love in the back of a cop car

"Can't you read the signal, sir?", the older cop (with black and white hair and a strange mustache) asks me.

"We were not doing anything wrong.", she says beside me. "Just watching the planes take off."

" But this is no place to watch the planes take off, miss."

"This is a private area.", other cop (a much younger one) says.

They go again to the vehicle after getting our identities. At that point I can only think that I don't want to be guilty for taking my best friend to jail. I swear that her father is going to kill me for that. I think he never liked me very much (particularly because I'm a little older than his daughter), but now he will absolutely hate me. I can't make his daughter go to jail... 

"Maybe we could run.", she says out of nothing. "I think I am fast enough. What about you?"

"Run? That's a crazy idea.", and I hold her hand.

"At least it's better than going to jail.", she kisses my cheek and smiles.

"Your dad is going to kill me for that."

She just laughs.

"Maybe.", she says joking.

The way the blue and red lights were lightning her pretty face, I fell even deeper in love with her. With the way she laughed. With her voice. Her smile. Her touch.

Holding my hand, we drove the streets to downtown and when I looked at her beside me I could swear we fell in love in the back of a cop car.

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