It takes a man - Chris Young

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The light coming from the windows woke up Chris in the morning. Laying down in his warm bed it took him some moments to remember what happened last night. A smile came across his lips for remembering her: His best friend, the girl he had loved since he was eighteen years old.

Last night they had gone a little further than just friends go. For the first time in so many years, Chris had been more than just a best friend: he had been the lover of one night. He could still taste the sweetness of her lips against his. He remembered the way her hands shook, hesitating to touch him.

"Are you sure about this?" Chris asked. He would never do anything she wasn't sure about.

They were best friends and that was way more than just friends do.

"Yeah...", she said looking at him. "I want... this."

Chris loved her for so long but never got the courage to tell her. They were the best friends since ever. How could he risk losing that friendship?

But last night both were too caught up in each other eyes to care. Chris dreamed for so long with her kisses... To feel her warm skin against his... To hear her saying his name... To love her for one night.

And he loved her.

But now, opening his eyes for another morning, Chris was alone in his room as if nothing had happened. He ran a hand over his still sleepy face, trying to figure out how it would have been for a sweet dream.

It had not been a dream. She had been there. He had touched her. Kissed her. Loved her. So why had he woken up again alone as if last night had not mattered? Looking at the bedside table by the bed was a small note written.

"I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye. I'm not sure what to say..."


It had been just over a month and everything seemed to have changed so drastically. Chris used to call you but now you let the phone ring until he hung up the call. God, you felt like a coward ... how could you have let yourself get involved in that feeling you had for your best friend?

What if your friendship was ruined?

Chris was a nice guy and every woman would be proud to call him boyfriend. He was your friend since childhood when you played together after school. He had been there for you at the best and worst of your life and you could not even imagine living without it. Even if it had cost you so many years without telling him the truth: you were in love with him.

But that night a month ago you had let what you felt turn into kisses. Best friends weren't supposed to do that ... best friends shouldn't sleep together. But best friends shouldn't make love like you had that night either.

Had you now ruined the friendship of a lifetime?

You went out in the morning without waking him up. You were ashamed and not knowing what to say after that night of love. You tried to get away from Chris. You didn't want to answer the calls. You didn't want to go out on Friday nights. But getting away from him had been the most painful thing you had ever done.

But now there was something important you need to tell him. And you didn't know the right words to tell him.

"Can I come over your house?", you asked as soon as he picked up the phone call.

"Sure.", his voice said. "Is everything okay? You haven't answer my calls and ---"

"I just need to talk to you.", you didn't let him keep talking.

It didn't take long for you to knock on Chris's door. He seemed to hesitate to kiss your cheek before telling you to make yourself comfortable on the couch (that couch where you had first kissed). Suddenly memories of that night flooded your mind.

His soft kiss. His touch that burned your skin with every falling piece of clothing. His voice in your ear. The way he made you feel loved in a way any other man had made you feel before.

He sat in front of you in the couch. There was concern in his eyes, but he seemed to wait until you finally spoke.

"There's something I have to tell you." And he shook his head hoping you would continue. "I'm late and I'm really scared.", and then there were tears in your eyes. That wasn't an easy situation. "You can go, but I hope you stay. I'm gonna keep it, either way...".

Chris could hardly speak. He expected none of that. Getting up, he sat beside you and let you rest your head on his shoulder.

"I know, I know, it don't seem real...", you mumbled with tears in your eyes. "Don't hate me, for lovin' you...".

How could he hate you? He loved you since he was eighteen.

He wished he could tell you that everything would be all right. That he loved you. That he would love that child unconditionally. But the words seemed to get in the way, and he couldn't put three words together... So he just took your hand and kissed your cheek.

" Starrin' through that windshield I could see my future change,

And my heart hit like a hammer,

And my thoughts were runnin' wild,

Any fool can make a baby, but it takes a man, to raise a child."


What's your favorite Chris Young's song? I'm in love with his music. (Can I marry him??)

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