Preferences: Travel

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Luke Bryan: In the summer Luke surprised you with some holidays in Rome. He knew how much you wanted to go there.

Walking through the streets of Rome made you smile, just by looking at so much History everywhere: every church, museum, street and plaza. Luke was holding your hand while you were walking around.

"This is wonderful.", you said. "I'm so happy."

"I'm glad you are happy, baby.", he said and kissed your forehead. But somehow he had been acting weird all day.

"What's wrong, baby?", you asked. You were standing in a huge plaza with round stone arcades and traditional stores. "You're acting weird today. Are you feeling sick?"

Luke shook his head.

"I'm not sick, baby...", he said, and then he reached into his pocket for a small red velvet box. "I've been thinking ... I wish this was the perfect time." He said and then knelt before opening the small box. "We're in the most beautiful and romantic city in the world. Will you marry me?"

 Will you marry me?"

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Chris Young: Your boyfriend Chris surprised you with a trip to Paris. You were so excited!

In Paris you stayed in a beautiful hotel overlooking the Eiffel Tower. You make sure to take a lot of pictures in Paris to remember those holidays.

"This is the best trip ever.", you told Chris as they were sitting in a small cafe where an Edith Piaf song played in the background. "This is a trip to remember forever."

"For one day we tell our children.", he said.

You just smiled feeling blush.

Marrying Chris and raising a family was your dream.

"I love you Chris Young.", you said.

"And I love you babygirl."


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Blake Shelton: Maybe Blake wasn't the right man to plan a vacation. He always forgot something or sometimes didn't know exactly what to bring on the trip. So the only time he planned a vacation without your help was when you spent a weekend in Tijuana.

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