Dear Rodeo (Part 2) - Cody Johnson

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To: Corebore123

Thank U for the idea. Hope you like it! :)


Cody pushed the shopping cart through the aisles, picking up the things he needed. Then, behind the wheel of his car, he turned on the radio to hear Willie Nelson's voice sing an old country song. On the way home he accompanied the song singing and whistling. His life was beautiful with the woman he loved most in this world, and there was nothing (absolutely nothing) he could desire more.

After the bend in the road he knew he was close to home. It was almost lunch time.

As he parked his car in the front yard, he was surprised that his wife had not appeared at the door with a smile on her face as she always did. But maybe she was finishing lunch in the kitchen and didn't even notice his arrival. With the bags of groceries in hand he went home.

"Honey, I'm home.", He said.

But the silence was the only reply.

Cody set the bags down at the entrance to the house and then peered into the kitchen looking for his wife. She was not there.

"Honey ...", he called.

And then he noticed his wife standing in the office with a sheet in her hand reading carefully. Cody leaned against the frame of the door and smiled.

Only then did his wife notice his presence. She smiled in embarrassment and then left the letter on the desk.

"Sorry love. I didn't mean to intrude ...", she said.

"Don't worry, baby.", Cody said and then approached to kiss his wife's cheek. "It's just a letter."

She leaned her head against his chest, hugging him.

"I didn't know you felt that way ... about rodeos ...", she said.

"I can never forget the rodeos I participated in.", Cody said. "But now they are in the past."

"I know how important they were to you.", she said and looked him in the eye. "I didn't want to get you away from what you love the most ..."

"You didn't, baby.", Cody said and touched her face slowly. "I made a decision. And nothing in this world is more important for me than our love."

She smiled.

"Not even the rodeos?",She asked.

"Not even the rodeos.", He stated. "Rodeos will always be a part of me. Those memories will always have a little space in my heart and the scars for all the falls will always be in my body like a tattoo. But sometimes a man must move on to find that life has other plans for us.", he grabbed her hand. "I'll always be a cowboy, honey. But this cowboy will never leave you. This I promise."

And then leaning for a kiss, Cody held his wife in his arms knowing that his all world was right there. And nothing (absolutely nothing in that world) could tear them apart.

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