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The café was warm and cozy as Y/n and Yoongi sat across from each other. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity about each other's lives.

Yoongi leaned in, his voice low, "You know,

Y/n, I haven't felt this at ease with someone in a long time."

Y/n's heart fluttered as she met his gaze, her cheeks had a soft blush. "I feel the same way. It's strange, considering what you do."

He chuckled,"Yeah, well, life is full of surprises."

They talked about everything. Y/n found herself surprised with Yoongi's honesty and vulnerability. As they wrapped up their meal, Y/n realized that the connection they shared was definitely there.

Standing outside the café, the night was cool. Yoongi's hand brushed against Y/n's,

"Y/n, I know I'm not your typical guy, and I'm far from perfect, but being with you... it feels right normal even"

Her heart raced as she looked up at him,"Yoongi, you don't have to be perfect. I've seen some of who you are, and I want to know more."

He smiled genuinely, "How about we take a walk? There's a park nearby."

Y/n nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. They strolled through the quiet streets,

the moonlight and the dim street lamps were they're only source of light. There was no one in the park. The only thing you could hear was their footsteps as they walked along the pavement.

They found themselves by a small pond. Yoongi leaned against a railing, his gaze fixed on the water. "You know, I never thought I'd find someone who could see past the rumors and the danger."

Y/n stood beside him, a comforting warmth settling between them. "Sometimes, it's worth taking a chance on the unexpected."

He turned to her, a mixture of emotions in his eyes. "Y/n, I want you to know that I'm not just danger. There's more to me than that."

She reached out, her fingers brushing against his. "I believe you."

The night was quiet, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment. But then, in the distance, a sudden, sharp sound shattered the silence, a gunshot.

Y/n's heart raced as she instinctively moved closer to Yoongi.

He tensed, his gaze scanning the area. "Stay behind me."

Y/n's adrenaline surged as she clung to his arm, fear and concern mixing within her. Another shot rang out, closer this time. Instinctively, Yoongi shielded Y/n, his eyes darting around as he assessed the situation.

"We need to get out of here," he said, his voice urgent.

They began to retreat, moving cautiously through the park. The tension was palpable, their every step filled with caution. Y/n's heart raced, her mind racing with possibilities.

As they reached the edge of the park and found themselves on a dimly lit street, the distant sirens of approaching police cars filled the air. Yoongi's grip on Y/n's hand tightened, his expression a mixture of determination and concern.

"We need to split up," he said, his voice low but determined. "It's not safe for you to be seen with me right now."

Y/n's heart ached at the thought of leaving him, but she knew he was right. She nodded, her gaze locking onto his. "Be careful."

He pressed a quick, reassuring kiss to her forehead. "You too."

And then, with one last lingering look, they went their separate ways into the night, disappearing into the darkness as the sirens grew louder. The gunshot had shattered the moment, but it had also highlighted the reality of the world Yoongi lived in – a world Y/n was now entangled in, willingly or not.

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