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The next few days pass with a sense of unease settling over Y/n. Yoongi's mysterious behavior continues, and the unanswered questions about the folder weigh heavily on her mind. She can't shake off the feeling that something is going on.

One evening, as the others are engaged in their activities, Y/n finds herself alone with Jungkook in the mansion's garden.

Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Y/n cautiously brings up the folder. "Jungkook, do you know what's in that folder with my name on it, the one in Yoongi's office?"

Jungkook's expression tightens, a mix of concern and hesitation. "Y/n, trust me, you don't want to get involved in that. It's better not to know."

But Y/n is persistent, her suspicion growing. "Jungkook, I can't just ignore this. Yoongi has been distant, and I need to understand what's going on."

Jungkook sighs, "Look, Y/n, there are things that are better left unknown. Yoongi is trying to protect you by keeping you out of it. Trust him."

Frustration builds within Y/n as she presses for more answers, "Protect me from what, Jungkook? I deserve to know what's happening. I can't keep pretending that everything is normal."

Jungkook's gaze softens, and he says, "Some secrets are meant to stay hidden for the sake of everyone involved. Yoongi cares about you, and sometimes protecting someone means keeping them in the dark."

Days turn into nights, and Y/n finds herself spending sleepless hours contemplating the mysteries surrounding Yoongi. The mansion, once a place of comfort, now feels like a house of secrets.

As she sits alone in their shared bedroom, staring at the closed door, she comes up with a conclusion. She may not understand what's going on, but she refuses to be kept in the shadows.

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