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In the middle of the night, Y/n sneaks out of her room, determined to figure out what's going on. She tiptoes through the dark mansion, trying not to make a sound.

When she gets to Yoongi's office, she tries to open his filing cabinet, hoping to find some answers. But, it's locked. Frustrated, she's about to give up when she hears footsteps. As panic shoots through her, she hides behind one of the bookshelves in Yoongis large office .

Yoongi walks in, looking all surprised. "Y/n? What the hell are you doing here?"

Caught red-handed, Y/n mumbles, "I needed answers, Yoongi. Something's off, and I couldn't wait."

Yoongi raises an eyebrow, "This isn't how you find answers, Y/n. Trust me."

But Y/n's on a mission, staring him down. "I can't keep living in the dark, Yoongi. I deserve the truth."

He hesitates. "Fine, wake up early, we're going on a trip to your Grandmothers house"

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