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As Yoongi and Y/n were laying down in the bed, a sudden noise outside the window disrupted their peaceful moment. Yoongi's instincts kicked in, and he immediately tensed.

Y/n noticed the change in his attitude. "Yoongi, what's wrong?"

He quickly got up and moved toward the window, pulling back the curtain slightly to peer outside. His expression darkened as he saw a shadowy figure in the darkness.

Without hesitation, Yoongi grabbed his phone and dialed a number. Y/n's heart started to beat fast as she watched him speak. It was clear that something was wrong.

As he hung up, Yoongi turned to Y/n with a worried look. "Y/n, I have to go. Something's happened with my job, and it's not good."

Y/n began to get very scared."Yoongi, please be careful. I'm so scared for you."

He held her tightly, kissing the top of her head. "I'll handle this, Y/n. But right now, I need to go. Lock all the doors and windows, and don't open them for anyone except me, okay?"

Tears welled up in her eyes as she nodded. "Please come back home at the end of the day, Yoongi.

He brushed away her tears. "I promise, I'll come back to you, no matter what."

With one last kiss, Yoongi left their room, leaving Y/n worried for the man that had her heart.

The next few hours felt like days for Y/n. She

walked around the room, clutching her phone tightly, waiting for any news from Yoongi.

Finally, the sound of the front door creaking open made her heart jump.. She rushed to the door and flung it open, finding Yoongi standing there, bruised and beaten, but alive.

She couldn't hold back her tears as she threw her arms around him, holding him close. "Yoongi, you're back. You're okay."

He made a sound of pain but made a weak smile. "I promised, didn't I? I always come back."

"Thank you," Y/n said as she led Yoongi to their couch.

As Y/n placed Yoongi on the couch, a thought crossed her mind.

"Yoongi," Y/n asked quietly.

"What is it, Y/n?" Yoongi said, his gaze on some of the bruises on his arms.

"Where were the boys? Aren't they supposed to help you fight?" Y/n said.

"The boys were there too, but they retreated back to their own houses" Yoongi explained, wincing at a cut he had gotten.

Y/n didn't know that the boys had their own houses. She thought they only lived with Yoongi. Although, as Y/n thought about it more, she realized that they were not home all the time, considering they were billionaires.

Y/n didn't continue the conversation about the boys as she quickly left Yoongi to get the first aid kit.

Returning to Yoongi, Y/n began dressing his wounds and applying ointment.

"Jeez, Yoongi, this guy got you good," Y/n said as she applied balm to Yoongi's bruised lips.

Yoongi chuckled before looking into Y/n's eyes. "You should have seen what I did to him."

Y/n didn't need to ask what Yoongi did because she already knew.

"Alright, love, let's get you back to bed to rest," Y/n said as she lifted Yoongi's arm over her shoulder after finishing addressing his wounds.

Yoongi was stunned by the name. "Love?" Yoongi asked, shocked.

"Don't think too much. It will hurt your head. I don't want you to be in pain," Y/n told him as she tucked Yoongi underneath the blankets.

"But something did hurt, Y/n. You have to help me," Yoongi said in a tiny tone.

Y/n grew concerned. "Where? Is there a place I didn't put ointment on?" she asked.

As Y/n's hands roamed across Yoongi's body to check for open wounds, Yoongi placed her hand on his heart.

"Here, my heart," Yoongi said with a deep "Boy With Love" smile.

Y/n burst into giggles. "Go to bed, you goof."

Yoongi gently pulled on Y/n's hand. "As long as you lay with me."

That night, Y/n and Yoongi slept peacefully. Y/n was careful not to put pressure on any of Yoongi's bruises. Despite the scare they both experienced, seeing them both together made them immediately relax.


Authors note: 

Our cat comes back in 643 days 😞 till then I will be crying 

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