Have you seen me?

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I knew it wasn't exactly my place but I also knew I was supposed to be "working for/with" both the FBI and Dr. Brennen and getting paid via Jason or something like that for "shadowing" my brother and Brennen. I suppose this could be one of those times. As I sat in the auditorium with a bunch of anthropology students they were supposed to be in a lecture listening to her talk about cases and things she's found and how she'd been working with the FBI to solve murders or whatever something to that affect. They all laughed her at her jokes and oohed and ahhed at her slides. But when she and Mr. Goodman asked the students for questions the only questions they had were about her books. While Brennen was more than happy to answer any questions Dr. Goodman was surprised at the students for asking about the book instead of anything having to do with anthropology questions. Since this was something she did on the side. And then Seeley stood up and asked who her character Andy was based on because he was sure it was based on him.

Booth what are you doing here? She asked him. I'm pretty sure you're talking to me right? He asked. Yes your sister and your niece are their first names. So there is no confusion. We exit out into the parking lot. My brother told us that there had been an anonymous tip from the local police that said that they found human remains in a field behind the mall in the suburbs. Brennen said she did a astropolitical profile on the suburbs as a grad student. She felt that the whole idea of it was fascinating something about a created community and a utopia with their own rules and morals as she put it. Seeley asked about who it was fascinating to?! She corrected his grammar and then we were by a very fancy car. She told us her publisher sent it to her. But Seeley said she parked crooked. And he couldn't show up to a crime scene in a car like that. And she also said that she was told to park like that. He said it made her look like an idiot. And that's another reason he couldn't show up in a car like that.

She asked him why the FBI was getting involved. He handed her a piece of paper as I look over it with them and it was a report on a boy that had gone missing and there was a possibility the two cases were probably connected. When we got there there were a bunch of cars there but no sign of the person who called the police. We wanted to know how the police knew it wasn't a prank. The policeman pulled out the recording that stated there was kid's body that was dead and rotted away at the place we were at and to come quick. Which was true but it didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. And why was it anonymous? The officer told us that kids came down here to party and misbehave. And Brennen was talking about how teenagers like to sneak out at night she said to find themselves but I knew all too well what that was like. While I didn't sneak out I felt as a teenager that I knew better went against my brothers and my friend and got myself drugged and knocked up and didn't even know it till I had Layla. I'd never had a childhood everything was pretty much bad. And then I became a mother.

But it could've been worse I could've ended up like this child. Missing and then murdered. I could feel my heart beating fast and calmed myself down I took a bunch of deep breaths until I was calm again. The cop asked Brennen if he could make an observation she said yes then asked about how in her book cops were one dimensional she corrected him to two but either way the cop wanted to know why that was but he didn't get his answer at least not right now. She turned to Zack and asked him about the thermal imager. He said he didn't think they would need it and thought it made him look like the great Gazoo. Whoever that was. We both had no idea what that meant. But she said yes they did need it. When he comes back he sees in yellows reds and greens and its this giant helmet kind of looking thing. He did look kind of like an alien. Seeley thought he looked liked Darth Vader and hoped that Brennen had seen at least one Star Wars movie. I had not but I knew who that was. She said yes once when she was 7 and leave Zach alone.

Can we hurry this up it's getting stuffy in here?! Zach told us. We took a closer look at the crime. It was clear that there had been some kind of party there. Brennen felt that that was normal for teenagers. She pointed out the underage drinking but she used bigger words that I didn't understand. But what about the abduction of a 6 year old boy? Was that normal behavior to her of teenagers? Excuse me. I put a hand on my brother's arm and stepped away. I'll be right back. I muttered. You ok kid? Ask me again in a moment. I trembled with each step I took as I clutched at my necklace. I took my phone out got out of the way standing by a tree. I waited for Jason to pick up the phone. Jason?! I called into the phone I tried to calm my voice but I could feel as the tears fell down my face and heard my voice crack. What's the matter love? He asked me. Tell me Layla is still at home. I begged him as I picked at my bracelet. She's fine what's wrong? We got a new case one a missing and later turned murdered 6 year old boy. While Layla is 8 she's still just a little kid just like this little boy was.

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