There's something more here

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Today Brennen was sitting having an interview uncomfortably with someone that wanted to talk about her book. And told us things we already know. Like how she was an author and anthropologist and worked for the FBI and she told us how she did it but we all know how she does it. If you don't know then what are you doing here? And why are you reading this chapter? You obviously haven't read the other 11. She asked her how she did both but of course Brennen didn't understand the question because she said she did them one at a time. The lady interviewing her felt she was a bit odd and hard to interview she asked if she found her work enjoyable. Brennen said satisfying but also complicated. And the lady thought it was disgusting and felt it didn't leave her with much of a personal life. Which Brennen didn't same to care about. She said she was more focused on her career right now. Seeley comes in she notices him right away while he gestures for her to smile. G-D I should've been there Red has been through many interviews I could've helped her. And then the lady said most of their viewers were parents with preschool kids and what would she say to them? But Brennen said she wasn't gonna have any kids. (Which is funny cause spoiler alert but not to those who have you know seen the show will know that she ends up marrying Booth and has 3 kids with him by the time the show ends)

(Honestly I remember like probably for the first couple of seasons I think I really really didn't like Brennen at all I was like OMG I hate her she's so frustrating) She asked if she had any advice for budding authors out there. She stumbled a little to answer this. To have an idea and something to write with but hoped that they would know that much to begin with and Seeley was feeling bad for her because of her struggling. Once they finished she asked Seeley how she was he said they'd talk about it on our way she said on their way where?! Once I got picked up we went to where the next crime scene was. Which was a burning car that hit a tree. Firemen had come and put out the fire and why the FBI was involved was because he had to look at this as if it were a kidnapping. Seatbelt sliced child's shoe and a body in the front seat and burned backpack. After all the first 48 hours of a child abduction were the most crucial. And that's why she was there to help I.D. the victim and help him to find the children. Zack takes photo while Brennen examines the body. I knew then as soon as we got there I shouldn't had been there the moment I heard about the case but this was what I signed up for. Maybe I should think about hanging out in the lab with Jack and Zack and going out other places with Seeley and Brennen. Like say L.A. from our last case.

From the shoe we learned that it was a size 4 and the backpack had been a school backpack but that the contents in the bag were chard beyond recognition. As for the human remains Zack continued to tell us that it was a female and based on her pelvis she'd had a child about 8 years ago just like Farrah. I wrapped my arms around me a frown on my face. I'm an actress I just had to figure out a way to channel my inner Red Snow. They suggested that her child was the one that got kidnapped. I tried my best not to panic and turned away trying to blink back my set of tears. Farrah are you ok? Seeley placed a hand on my shoulder. 'm fine I took a deep breath. How is it that most of these cases so far have hit too close to home right off the bat? Kids going missing or dying between my age and Layla's when I had her. The drug case having a case in L.A. Christmas. And I have been so anxious. I have been more anxious coming home doing these cases than I have in the last 8 years. Though I wasn't really always 100% myself while I was at it as you know. But I've been acting the last 8 years so I guess I'll do what I've been doing the last 8 years of my life fake to ya make it. I can handle this case. If you think that you're lying to yourself and you shouldn't keep everything all bottled up. But you've had to be brave and strong for so long that it must be hard to let your guard down. How you did it with your bandmates and Jason I'll never know.

As far as the mother went her teeth were dentures now and they had a lot of gold. Brennen tried to explain this and it sounded cultural or religious how women from rich families when they turn 16 can basically switch their normal teeth for gold teeth. There was a more scientific explanation for your sake and mine I've dumbed it down. That it somehow showed how wealthy they were. They shined a flashlight at the throat and found something inside it wasn't fleshy to be part of the tongue it turned out to be apart of the tissue. Then Goodman came in with someone named Miss Pickering something about state department security review or whatever Jack said one man's state security review was another man's witch hunt she knew right away that this was Dr. Jack Hodgins. He said she knew them and asked her if it was "agent" Pickering she told him she didn't know him but pretty much soon would. Then asked if something was burning. Zack said not anymore that she was extinguished by now. He told them she was gonna otherwise require a few moments of everyone's time in order to preform her security review. He expected everyone to be cooperative Jack said he wasn't signing any damn loyalty oath Goodman added and civil.

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