They wouldn't teach you that in prep school

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My daughter and I had gotten into a pretty good routine after moving here. We saw my brother all the time and talked to Jason a lot as well. We were loving our new life somehow it felt so exciting yet so simple at the same time. She'd go to school make friends and if there was a problem we were call in Jason or Seeley. We had everything we ever wanted. Though I missed the girls. And I missed the life we had before. But my daughter to have roots put down somewhere. And we saw Lauren all the time a well. I also got "paid" for my work. Though I wish I was still doing theatre or singing stuff. And if I told Jason I knew he would do something about it. But we need normal in our life. Then again what was supposed to be normal for us?

From the day I was born nothing was "normal" our mom wasn't in the picture my brothers were off again on again in a good place our father was abusive. My oldest brother served and had a gambling problem and works for the FBI and we were raised pretty much by our grandfather. Not to mention I was pregnant with Layla and hadn't known it. I had been a teen mom and doing theatre and singing I was in a band and the guys that worked for me were pretty. No denying that. Though that first part it's probably sadly "normal" for a lot of people. That second part maybe "normal" for others. Famous people have to get their start somewhere sometimes you come from good homes and sometimes like me you don't. When you don't have good cards you bluff.

I made a bad situation into wonderful. And no one blames me for what happened to me. And they were all so supportive and are helping in anyway they can. We love the way things are right now in our life. It's even been nicer than I thought it would be with Jason pretty much still paying for just about everything when what I mostly wanted was simple. At least he allowed me to get a normal ish job. Well this isn't exactly normal but I'm kind of getting paid for it while Layla goes to school. It's nice though to have the bodyguards and Nana and Monica. It's such a big house. And I like having my brother pretty much next door if I need him. We have a lot of catching up to do. Like now Layla was at school and the 3 of us were supposed to be working on a case but we were waiting on Zach. He was inside the lab talking to a pretty girl. According to Jack and Angela Zach and this girl had slept together and she hadn't called him back since. They were board with their tasks but decided maybe they shouldn't be spying on Zach after all. And what they really needed was a murder investigation and we were outside in the van.

You mean we have one? He asked her. Zach you gotta go. He called to him. The girl Zach was talking to bolted out as fast as she could. Which wasn't good for Zach. Poor Zach. Jack was trying to shove him out the door since we were waiting on him but Angela wanted to make sure he was ok. So he told them that the girl he was talking to said take a hint and when he asked what hint she told him if she had to tell him then it wouldn't be a hint it would be a statement. Jack told him the best way to get over it was by throwing himself into his work and pretty much pushed him out the door. Angela scolded Jack to have a little compassion. He said she said that he understood her words but didn't comprehend her meaning and to ask his friends if he had any. She put a gentle hand on his back as she also pushed him out the door and told him that Jack was right he shouldn't keep Booth waiting and that someone was decomposing as they spoke.

We got a dead body at a prep school my brother started. Zach sat in back with me. Good morning Brennen good morning Zach I started good morning Seeley. I started. You already told me good morning he turned back to me. I just thought everyone should get a good morning before we start on the case. Morning Zach how are you? I asked him. He leaned forward to ask Seeley if he was successful with women. Meaning if they liked him. But Seeley wanted to talk about the case. He said it was a prep school full of rich kids. Brennen felt it was good to start with good morning. I asked her how she was. But I got cut off again. Zach asked Seeley if a woman told him to take a hint what would that mean? But Seeley cuts him off just wants to talk about the case. Says he knows the sheriff out there and that she's ok but that the school is getting a lot of "pull" from the county as he put it and how he felt they were gonna just brush it off on us. So not only was it a crime scene it was also political. So when we get out there to follow his lead and pay attention. But Zach asks him if he called after each sexual encounter thinking it's the right thing to do. (I mean sure maybe probably I wouldn't know I've never had sex) I didn't want to hear this and was so thankful that Seeley cut him off again. He said we were in work mode and we were only going to be talking about work.

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