Merge gardens

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This week's case began with 3 police officers arresting one single person and there was a red car. They would be really stupid to think as a gang member if that's who this was would just tell them whether or not they still had any weapons on them. Criminals are dangerous but they're stupid that's why they get caught. Also why do 3 police officers need to work together to put hand cuffs on a criminal? Are they really that incompetent?! They were startled when they saw the FBI walk in. Here is where we (outfit 18)  come in the plates were from Virginia and the car crossed Stateline which is why the FBI was brought in in the first place. When Brennen asked why we were here Seeley was surprised that she wanted to know more out the work he did talked about the car and how it crossed Stateline and the gang members and "Rico" whoever that is since he's not a 10 year old working as an owner of a surf shack on Malibu beach tormenting high school kids ripping people off with overpriced snacks. But when he asked she said no not really but that she read a book about making connections and strengthening relationships in the workplace and he appreciated the effort. I wanna hear more I told him. Sure you do kid thanks anyways. He smiles ruffling my hair.

After all she felt it wasn't fair for him to have to explain everything to her. To her it seemed like they had recreated their whole country down here in Little Salvador all the way down to the being terrified of the police part. But it also turned out of course that most of these people are undocumented and are therefore nervous around law enforcement and then we approach the police officers. They told us the suspect ran a stop sign and when they pulled him over he tried to run and when Seeley put his hands on the suspect he noticed that he had a tattoo from one of the most dangerous gang members groups and whichever group it was happened to be the most dangerous of the ones in the area. So it was no wonder he was driving a dead body around. Brennen asked the officer in charge was she was there and then they popped the trunk open to see a dead body and based on what they had so far Brennen said it looked like a female and recently dug up. Asked Seeley to hold the suspects hands up they wanted to analysis the dirt on the suspect and wanted to compare it to the shovel and the dirt on the victim. When he asks the suspect where he dug her up and where she was he ignores him so Brennen asks this time in Spanish but he ignores her too. So he was ignoring us in two languages so we had to figure out where the nearest cemetery was.

We were told the closest one was 10 miles away some people come over Brennen tries to ask them in Spanish where the nearest cemetery was but no one wants to stop to help they come from a place where if you say anything you get killed which was a problem and a just as big one if not bigger just occurred our suspect tried to flee when we had guns shooting at us. Get down get down! Seeley scolded. Shots fired I repeat shots fired one of the men called. Protect my sister I'm going after the suspect. He chases the suspect down an alley tries to get him to stop as he hops over a fence by holding his foot telling him not to make him shoot him but he gets away anyways we come into the alley where Seeley was. Back at the lab Brennen goes over the remains while Zack and Jack go over the other evidence such us the decomposition the insect activity some other soil stuff having to due with fatty acids concluding that she was buried there at least 6 months ago and thanks to I guess the shovel shapes of some of the teeth and some very specific tooth enamel and malnutrition which was consistant with the anthropometrics told them she was from Central America. And then Jack started telling a story about how in TN a guy dug up graves of people because he wanted to make sure that the bodies were still there but they were't.

Angela was told to do a sketch on the victim but it may be hard because she could also be undocumented so it would be hard to figure out who I.D. the victim but not impossible and then Brennen picked up a rosary asked for Goodman to look into it. Thanks to the work Zack was figuring out on the head told us that based on the fractures in the skull that the weapon she was hit with was something a kin to a baseball bat. Brennen knew she was religious so she should've had some kind of casket a burial and a headstone and she would make sure she got all of those things. At the FBI my brother was in the interrogation room talking to an unruly man with tattoos and was the leader of some street gang. While he was one fierce guy it hadn't stopped his guys from picking him up. Did they tell you why? He asked him. They talked about how they were shot at thought they only took a shot but Seeley let them know they didn't just take a shot it was a couple dozen shots and a drive by that hardly anyone is stupid enough to shoot at "those" guys anymore and that the current suspect he was talking tos name came up. Miguel smiled at him said it wasn't one of his people asked if Seeley was gonna charge him with something or let him go. So they played Miguel's game Seeley pulled out his file with all the other crimes he had committed. Talked about how it went down drive by got shot at him his partner and his sister and the bad guy got away.

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