Who did you use to be?

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In the lab laying on a body drawer was where Brennen Goodman and the other squints were looking over this really old body. These came from the Iron Age and Dr. Goodman told them that this set of remains was like one of 5 sets. And this was one of the ones that had still their remains intact or whatever. How it was found in a shaft and there had been 3 at said shaft. Zack pointed out that the body looked really good while Brennen felt the bones shouldn't still look this nice considering it's been like 1500 years. He said that's why they were here because they were either gonna authenticate it or dash the hopes of some scholars and to let him know how it goes. Brennen was upset he was leaving. Zack reminded him he was an archologist and then Dr. Goodman walked away. She told Zack to get x-rays and pictures that they were gonna try their best to not touch the body as much as possible. But when she went into her office Seeley was there waiting for her at her desk.

She didn't like he was in there and then he handed her a stack of paper with red circles on it. He talked to her about there was many body parts at the airport and the airport was FBI territory I guess. The only issue was that it was in L.A. ooh I could go there I'd spent a lot of my time there the last 8 years when I wasn't on the road. But Brennen said she couldn't go because of the warrior from the Iron Age. Seemed like a body that had been dead for 1500 years could stand to wait another few days while she helped him on this. He felt of course that his case with the fresh body was more important than her body who was 1500 years old and been dead a very long time. But when she started talking about perfect this and perfect that and using words he didn't understand he felt she was doing it to bug him which she may had been. Of course they argued about this all the way to Goodman's office. He asked if they had to do this every single time they were like children. Seeley said exactly but Brennen was unhappy with the fact that he expected her to drop everything the moment he asked her to join him on case IDK I thought that sounded like he respected her and work enough to help him with his work that he couldn't do it without her.

Like at the beginning of Numb3rs I know it's been awhile that we've gone over the very beginning of that fan fiction if you've read it but Don didn't want Charlie working with him on cases in the beginning he felt it was too dangerous and then he needed Charlie to help him with his work couldn't do it without him. Goodman first said that she was needed here at the museum because she had this body she had to identify and there was something about the iron age warrior case and she was in very high demand and how this was top priority and then Seeley said sexy Hollywood and good press for them and then Goodman was very suddenly interested in this case. But Brennen was upset because Goodman made it seem like her work with the Iron Age warrior was of the upmost priority. He told her he would assist in that case and for her to pack her bags that she was going to L.A. and he had arranged for us to stay at a place Jason owned. That one of things his father did was own a chain of hotels and wanted to work with Jason despite that Jason wants to do what he does now his father also does these things as well and his family has been very generous and him himself as we know. Under normal circumstances I'd say take your sister with because of her connections to our most generous bachelor and one of the youngest billionaires in the world. But under our circumstances she is going with you anyways because she is quote un quote "shadowing" the both of you and of course Layla will go with you as well.

While Brennen was unhappy about this development next thing I knew I was making the arrangements with Jason and he insisted we stay with him while we were there. And sent a car for us. Though it wasn't very FBI-y according to Brennen though it was a nice convertible and Seeley was very much enjoying himself. The sun on his face wind in his hair sunglasses on Brennen was sitting shotgun while me and my daughter sat in the backseat. He very much liked the car. Felt that Jason had good taste. Seasonal Sisters was his first big project on his own. And he's doing a good job of it so far. Look how famous we are over these last 8 years. Anyways Seeley cuts me off this car is a classic just like the FBI. Jason knows that. Brennen said she wanted to drive sometime. He wanted her to look at the palm trees to just enjoy herself. And then he told her who our agent was we were supposed to be meeting her name was Trisha Finn. She felt she was a great driver he called her the rain man she had no idea what that meant. And that she was not against telling Cullen what kind of car he was driving on an FBI case if he wasn't gonna let her drive. So what? It's Jason's car he started. You made the car agreement people write down Sedan he reminded him.

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