Chapter 27: Quidditch and the Firebolt (Year 3)

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It was time for Draco and I to start school again. When we arrived back from our winter holiday we had found out that for our next Quidditch match Harry would be using his new Firebolt. Lucky us, I thought to myself. Even if I had been happy for him since he was able to get a new broom it was a bit dreadful thinking of the upper hand Gryffindor had against us now. I had heard from Harry that he got it for Christmas from some unknown sender. I had warned him to be careful about using it just in case it had been hexed. But he assured me that it would be alright since Professor McGonagall had already checked it for hexes.

However, Harry had also told me that Hagrid lost the fight to keep Buckbeak alive. I had a bit of resentment towards the creature for hurting Draco but after all is said and done it does in fact deserve to live. Draco thought so too even though he wasn't allowed to tell anyone so.  I'm sure we'll be able to find a way to keep the Hippogriff alive one way or another. I have faith.

The Quidditch Final was already here after what felt like no time at all. Being back at Hogwarts had always made time fly by but never like this. Draco and I were nervous but eager to win the Final for Slytherin. I was more nervous after hearing all about Harry's new Firebolt. Draco and I made our way over to the Slytherin locker rooms to get changed for the Final. I slipped on my uniform and pulled my hair into a tight ponytail to help prevent it getting in my eyes. After everyone was changed our team's captain Marcus Flint began his pep-talk or rather just telling us it's okay to be a bit unfair if we have to. I was hoping it wouldn't have to come to that and we would just be good enough to win based on our skills.

The captains of each team shook hands and we began the match. There were booming cheers and screeches coming from the crowds that were distracting my focus. I brought myself back to the game and began looking for Draco who was already tailing Harry. The pressure was getting to my head and I could barely focus as a Bludger was heading straight for me. I managed to hit it back to one of the Weasley twins, even after I've met them I still have a hard time telling them apart. 

I flew in a circle around the field to collect my thoughts. When I came back to the center of the field I saw Flint crash into a Gryffindor chaser  then I saw the other Weasley throw his club at Flint's head. Both teams ended up getting penalty shots on the other.

 The crowd seemed to get louder as we started playing again. My ears were ringing as I watched as Gryffindor scored thirty points in a row. The game was now thirty-zero and we had zero unfortunately. Harry began going after something, I couldn't see what it was but I began keeping a close eye on him. A Bludger was hit at Draco who I was close behind now and I was able to deflect in Harry's direction but it only grazed his elbow. Derrick and I were now closing in on Harry as one of our strategies we had discussed pre-game. But at the last second Harry bolted upwards causing my eyes to follow him up. Then all of a sudden I felt myself colliding with Derrick the other beater on our team. My head ached as we parted ways and I could see him shaking his head as he flew away. The cheers grew louder as Marcus Flint scored for Slytherin which caused my head to throb even more. Draco was keeping close to Harry to ensure he would be able to see the snitch at the exact same moment that Harry did. Derrick was able to hit Oliver Wood in the stomach with a Bludger but I was still recovering from our so-called 'strategy'. But since Wood didn't have the Quaffle we got penalties by Madam Hooch.

Gryffindor was now sixty points ahead of us and all that they had to do to win was for Harry to catch the snitch which he had a pretty good history of doing. It honestly was not looking good for Slytherin now but maybe we could turn it around I thought all we had to do is to have Draco catch the snitch instead of Harry. I honestly wasn't doing much at this point besides flying close by Draco as to keep a close eye on Harry as well. Suddenly I saw Harry's face light up as if he had seen something.

"Draco, I think Harry spotted the snitch!" I yelled at Draco who looked away for a split second. His head whipped around to look at Harry  then he went zooming after Harry. Draco grabbed Harry's broom to my horror. He just cost Slytherin another penalty for Gryffindor. Gryffindor was still far ahead but now Draco had seen the snitch before Harry and was already diving down for it. But Harry was soaring closer and closer to Draco. At the last second Harry took both hands off of his broom and pushing Draco out of the way and he grabbed the snitch. I groaned with disappointment but the crowd cheered louder than they had the whole time.

The Gryffindor team cheered, 'We've won the cup!' multiple times very loudly. I was sure they were just trying to rub it in our faces. Dumbledore handed the Gryffindor team the Quidditch cup as us Slytherins walked back to the changing rooms in disappointment.

"This is all your fault Malfoy!" Flint yelled. Draco just stood there and took the abuse from our team captain. 

"It wasn't Draco's fault!" I stepped between the two boys unable to stop myself. "Flint, we were already losing an-"

Marcus Flint rose his hand and slapped me hard across the face before I could even finish my sentence. His eyes seemed to be glowing with fury. An involuntary tear streamed down my face from the burning sensation I felt on my cheek. 

In what seemed like slow motion I saw a fist heading straight towards Flint. Draco punched him right in the nose as everyone else watched in horror. The Slytherin Captain fell to the ground but Draco wasn't done, he kept throwing punches and dodging all of Flint's attempts to fight back. 

"Draco stop it, please!" I yelled. But Draco didn't seem to hear me because he just kept hitting him. "Derrick, help me get him off!" I pleaded. Derrick quickly followed me over to the boys and helped me pull Draco off of Flint.

"I'll kill you!" Draco threatened the Flint as we held him off. 

"Draco stop! It's not worth it, I'm fine." I held the boy's hand tightly in mine. "See?"

Draco huffed, "Fine. Let's go Y/N." He practically dragged me out of the changing room back to the Slytherin common room.

We didn't say a word on our way back to the common room but Draco didn't let go of my hand either. Once we got back we sat on one of the couches by the fireplace. Draco finally let go of my hand and said, "Are you okay?" I looked at him and nodded. His hand gently rubbed my cheek where Flint had slapped me.

"Draco, what about you? I mean just look at your hand!" I took his hand in mine and examined the split cuts and bruises on it. 

"I'm fine, Y/N. It just means I hit him good." He smirked as he looked at his own hands.

"That's not exactly a good thing Draco. He's our Quidditch Captain." I scowled at the boy.

"I don't care. He hurt you." He said plainly.

 I just looked at him not knowing what to say. I can see what he means in a sense. I could barely handle the thought of Draco getting yelled at for nothing so I stepped in without thinking of the consequences. So in a way it makes sense that he would react in a similar way. I decided I would let it go as long as something like this doesn't happen again.

"I'm gonna go to the library to study for a bit. Wanna come  with?" I asked the boy who perked up almost like a dog when you say their name. 

We talked about random dumb stuff as we walked just how we usually would. I smiled to myself because even after everything that happened today we can still just be us. That's all I could ever ask for.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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