Chapter 4: Malfoy's Trick (Year 1)

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You woke up sprawled across your bed looking like a complete mess but luckily you had gotten up early enough to take your time making yourself appear presentable. You rolled out of bed taking a look around the room, all the other girls seemed to still be fast asleep. You recognized some of the girls from the Sorting Ceremony, one was Pansy Parkinson and another was Millicent Bulstrode. You had no idea if you were going to get along with these girls but you would try to give a go at it once you all have settled. You shook your head and focused on the task at hand, grabbed your school robes and went to the bathroom to shower and get dressed.

Once you were all ready, you headed down to the common room which wasn't empty but also wasn't very populated, although you did find a familiar platnium blonde boy sitting in front of the fire talking to his two other friends. You made your way to him and he turned to greet you.

"Oh hey Y/N. You got up a bit early as well?" You nodded your head at him to indicate your answer.

"Yeah, everyone else in my dormitory was still asleep. I'm surprised I didn't wake them while I was getting ready." You chuckled a bit when saying this and he shared a bit of laughter with you as well before speaking again.

"I reckon we should make our way to the Great Hall for breakfast before our first class." He said this in a bit of a more bossy tone but looked at you to make sure you agreed with him. You nodded and the four of you made your way out into the dungeon corridors and up to the Great Hall. You all chatted a bit over breakfast and where you were sitting allowed you to have a view of the rest of the hall and you witness Harry Potter and Ron Weasley make their way into the hall. You hear Draco scoff at their entrance but you don't say anything and just continued their previous conversations taking occasional glances in Harry's direction. Harry had noticed this and while Draco wasn't looking he smiled and waved a bit at you and you gave a quick smile and wave back at him.

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You and Draco Had every class together and you guys got to spend a lot of time together and you couldn't lie you really enjoyed it. Except when you would have potions class with the Gryffindors and he acted like a complete git in that class but besides that bit you did quite enjoy the other classes because he wasn't butting heads with Harry constantly. You and Draco were at lunch in the Great Hall (along with Crabbe and Goyle) before your afternoon classes. After lunch you had Potions class so you weren't very excited for it due to the fact you have your ear talked off by Draco about how much Harry sucked. Due to the fact that in about half an hour you would become miserable you did your best to make the most of your lunch with Draco while he wasn't acting overly snobbish.

"What do you reckon we're doing in Potions today?" Draco asked you, not an ideal topic you thought to yourself, but you went along with it carefully choosing your words to make sure Harry wouldn't pop into conversation.

"Uh, I'm not completely sure. Although I think he mentioned something about a cure for boils last time." You said this recalling your last lesson with Professor Snape. All Draco did was nod indicating that he agreed with you then went back to eating his food. Sadly lunchtime went by very quickly after that and before you knew it it was time for class. You and Draco walked side by side to Potions class and once you both got there you two sat down next to one another. You both seemed to get there a couple seconds earlier than everyone else in the class, but soon people came filing in and the seats around you were beginning to fill. You noticed Harry walk in and he had been sat close behind you and Draco, as class was starting Snape had stormed into the class his long black cloak streaming behind him. He began to take roll call and when he got to Harry's name he paused before saying his name in a lower tone.

"Ah yes, Harry Potter. Our new- celebrity" You heard Draco snicker next to you, you shot him a quick angry look that he didn't seem to notice. Afterwards Snape began to describe the point of the class that you were in as if you didn't already know, you had an urge to roll your eyes but knew better than to do so. "You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." Snape's eyes moved around the room examining the students and Draco was grinning, you did like potions but not for the reasons Draco did. All of a sudden, "Potter!" Snape snapped out of nowhere before continuing, "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry was looking around with a confused look on his face, however a girl with bushy hair shot her hand into the air eager to give the correct answer. 

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