Chapter 13: The Polyjuice Potion (Year 2)

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You woke up to your empty room, rubbing your eyes as you get out of bed. You grab the pendant that hung around your neck smiling a bit as you remember last nights events. Quickly you get dressed and head down to the common room checking around for anyone you knew. It was decently late so most of the Slytherins that had been staying over break were most likely already in the Great Hall having breakfast. 

"Good morning, Y/N." The voice came from behind you causing you to spin around a bit quicker than you meant to.

"Oh, hi Draco. Good morning." He flashed a quick grin at you just as Crabbe and Goyle appeared behind him. All four of you make your way to the Great Hall which was no where near as crowded as it would normally be under normal circumstances. You sat next to Draco and Crabbe and Goyle were both sat across. As Draco reached to get some food for himself you notice him wearing his ring causing your cheeks to flush a bit. Shaking your head you focused your attention back on your own breakfast breaking your focus whenever one of the boys would crack a lame joke to give them a pity laugh.

Once you've finished breakfast you head back to the common room not really knowing what else to do with your time. You were laying lazily on the couch in front of the fireplace while Crabbe and Goyle were sat across the room playing a game of wizards chess together. Draco had been pacing around the room a bit but you decided not to question it. All of a sudden Draco's head popped up above you, his eyes were wide as if he had just had some brilliant idea. 

"Yes Draco?" You questioned the boy, he really did act his age most of the time.

"I've got an idea on what we can do." He grinned while looking down at you.

"Alright then, what is it?"

"We can practice Quidditch." He seemed pretty impressed with the lackluster idea so you just went along with it.

Crabbe and Goyle had been way too focused on their chess to notice that you and Draco had left the Common room. You both didn't bother to change considering it wasn't an official practice, you made your way to the Quidditch pitch not seeing many students along the way. You and Draco entered the Slytherin Quidditch tent quickly grabbing your brooms and racing each other to the field.

"Wait... How exactly do we practice with just the two of us?" You called out after the boy who had already mounted his broom and was ascending into the air.

After a couple seconds pass he finally shouts down at you, "Simple, I throw things at you and you hit them back at me and I have to catch them." He sounded so confident as if he had done something like that before but to you it was obvious that he came up with that on the spot.

You and Draco stay practicing for only a couple hours before heading back to the common room where Crabbe and Goyle still sit, but on the couch now. You check the time realizing you still have a couple of hours until the Christmas feast which you know for a fact Crabbe and Goyle are really looking forward to. Draco offers you a game of wizards chess which you gladly accept even though you know you are complete rubbish at it.

"I win again. You really weren't lying when you said you were bad." Draco teases, you shoot him a glare.

"It's not like you're all that great yourself." You spat, nose scrunching with anger. "Let's play another round, I'm sure I'll beat you this time."

"Nope, it's too late." He smirked. "Looks like its already time for the feast and I don't think we can get those two oafs to wait any longer." He gestured towards Crabbe and Goyle who were peering at you and Draco from across the room.

"Fine, but after we're playing another match." You declared before leading the way to the Great Hall Draco following shortly behind along with the other two.

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