Chapter 12: Sneaking Around (Year 2)

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The holiday season was quickly nearing at Hogwarts, most students would be leaving the school to head back home but you had recently found out that Draco would be staying. With the new found information you too wanted to stay at Hogwarts during the holidays. The only problem was... Your parents, they were expecting you to come home- well at least your mother was expecting your company. Your father has been busier than ever at the Ministry, but you couldn't exactly remember why. The only thoughts that had been running through your mind lately was spending time with your best friend, Draco. You especially didn't want to leave him alone here with the two thick-headed idiots glued to his sides.

Once you were back in your dorm and all the other girls were already asleep you whipped out a piece of parchment and quill. You began writing a letter to your mother that you hope would convince her to let you stay. With a small candle lit off to the side so you were just barely able to see what you were writing.

Dear Mother,

I hope things are going well for you and father back at home, I know you are expecting me to be back for the holidays. But I have something to ask of you about this matter. I was hoping that you could let me stay here with my friends, well specifically Draco... I am sure you understand why I would want to stay with him here, I wish to keep him company as he will not be going back home either. I promise to make up our lost time together this summer if you'd let me, mother. As I am sure you are aware of the petrified students here and I am sure you also understand that whatever is doing this is not after any of us purebloods. Either way, I will be cautious and I will write you again to give you any updates on the situation. I send you and Father my love.

Love, Y/N L/N

You folded the piece of parchment then delicately slid it into an envelope that you had written your mother's name onto. Your dorm was already sunk into deep darkness which meant it was most likely past curfew. 

"Bloody hell what does it matter anyways." you whispered to yourself before quietly exiting your room and tiptoeing down to the common room. You were about to leave when a voice stopped you in your tracks. 

"What are you doing sneaking off so late at night Y/N?" you turned around to the familiar voice of Draco.

"I was going to the owlery to send a letter to my mother." your voice was calm and quiet as you walked towards the boy.

"Want some company? I can't sleep." It wasn't until then that you realized he was in his pajamas which eluded a snicker from your mouth.

"And risk being caught sneaking around with a boy in pajamas? No thanks. I'll be fine." doing your best to repress your laughter at your own snide comment.

"Oh come off it L/N, I'm going with you. We won't get caught since you're so worried about my pajamas." he rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand leading you out into the corridors. You looked down at the hand he had in his grasp, and felt your cheeks begin to heat up. You pulled you hand away quickly causing him to stop and look at you. "What is it?" He asked plainly but in a hushed manner.

"No, its nothing sorry." You apologized and began walking again, Draco followed suit. He made sure to check around every corner before turning it, giving you a hand signal to follow him every time he had cleared it. With the way he was going about this it felt as though you two were on some kind of important mission together. You couldn't help but laugh at the thought.

"Shh! what's so funny?" Draco turned his head scolding you from over his shoulder. You apologized profusely until he stopped being pretend mad at you.

"Geeze, how far is the owlery from the dungeons? It feels like we been walking for age-" You began to complain when suddenly you felt Draco flick your forehead. "Ow! What was that for?" 

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