Chapter 7: Till Next Year (Year 1)

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You had just finished packing up the last of your things, you couldn't believe it was already the end of your first year at Hogwarts. You met Draco, Crabbe and Goyle down in the common room before you all went to the end-of-the-year feast. You were all quite excited for this event because Slytherin was going to win the House Cup for the seventh year in a row. 

As you open the Great Hall doors your eyes are flooded with green and silver, and a banner hanging behind the High Table, with all the professor's, that had the Slytherin serpent displayed on it. You and the other boys excitedly sat down at the Slytherin table filled with your fellow eager and proud House members.

"Another year gone! And I must trouble  you with an old man's wheezing waffle before we sink our teeth into our delicious feast. What a year it has been! Hopefully your heads are all a little fuller than they were... you have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts...Now, as I understand it, the House Cup here needs awarding, and the points stand thus: In fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and twelve points;" At these words you and Draco look victoriously at each other, even thought you did quite like Harry, Ron, and Hermione, they were still part of Slytherin's rival House. Dumbledore continued, "in third, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty-two; Ravenclaw has four hundred and twenty-six and Slytherin, four hundred and seventy-two." You and the rest of the Slytherin table burst out into cheers and everyone was stomping their feet, you and Draco were smiling profusely and Draco had been banging his goblet. Dumbledore began to speak once again making yours and Draco's smiles disappear, "Ahem, I have a few last-minute points to dish out. Let me see. Yes... First- to Mr. Ronald Weasley... for the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Gryffindor House fifty points." You and Draco groaned simultaneously, you wanted to be happy for him but you had an idea of where this was going and it was probably going to cost Slytherin the House Cup. "Second- to Miss Hermione Granger... for the use of cool logic in the face of fire, I award Gryffindor House fifty points." You had heard all the rumors of what Harry and the other two had done but you had no idea that it was going to change the outcome to what seemed like the already decided House Cup winners. And yet, the headmaster went on, "Third- to Mr. Harry Potter... for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor House sixty points."

"Unbelievable, we're tied now. Wasn't Dumbledore a Gryffindor when he was in school, doesn't it seem like he's playing favorites at this point?" Draco whispered at you and you were just as exasperated as he was, you were excited to win the House Cup and yet here you were having it robbed from you. 

"There are all kinds of courage, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award ten points to Mr. Neville Longbottom." You let your head fall onto the table in disappointment and Draco banged his hand on the table in frustration. "Which means, we need a little change of decoration." The man clapped his hands and all the Slytherin decorations were switched with Gryffindor ones, this was quite possibly the worst first end-of-the-year feast ever.

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You, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle shared a cart on the Hogwarts Express on your way back home for the summer holidays. You excused yourself from the three boys and made your way to find Harry's cart, which was easy enough. You knocked on the door before entering and greeting your friends that you hadn't been able to talk to in a while.

"Hi, Harry, Ron, Hermione, I just wanted to congratulate you for winning the House Cup. I was a bit upset at the time but you guys definitely deserved to win considering everything you all went through." You smiled kindly at them, what you had just said though was a bit of a lie because truthfully you were still a bit annoyed about the whole ordeal.

"Ah, thank you, Y/N. Sorry about Slytherin losing." Harry said, you felt bad about still being slightly annoyed at him when he seemed happy to see you after a long time.

"Y/N, since you're not going to be around Draco all of summer, we were thinking it'd be nice if you'd write to us, perhaps a bit more than you talked to us this past year?" Ron asked kind of awkwardly, you smiled and nodded.

"Oh, yes, of course I'll write you guys." You said cheerfully, you had forgotten how kind they were, all your annoyance from before had faded now.

"Excellent! We are all looking forward to your letters!" Hermione beamed at you, with the other boys nodding in agreement at her statement. You smiled and waved goodbye at the three friends making your way back to Draco.

"Ah there you are. I forgot to ask you before, but what are you going to have to do for Potter?" Draco asked, you just stared at him for a second before realizing what he was talking about.

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about that. I think Potter's pea brain completely forgot though, thankfully." Draco had been referring to the lie you had told him back at the Sorting Ceremony about the House Cup bet. 

"Brilliant, Saint Potter doesn't deserve you doing anything in favor of him." Draco scoffed at the very thought of Harry Potter. 

The train arrived in King's Cross at station 9 3/4, and all the students began filing off the train, you followed behind Draco as he held out his hand to help you out just as he had at the beginning of the year. Shoulder to shoulder you and Draco made way to your talking mother's, you had immediately given your mother a hug as you were very excited to see her again. You turned to Draco who had been standing there shuffling his feet.

"Mister Malfoy, do promise me you'll write me this summer." You said in an ironic overly posh voice while curtsying at him in a teasingly way causing him to chuckle a bit.

"Oh, yes, Miss L/N, I do solemnly promise to write you this summer." He had reciprocated with the jokey tone and you giggled as he bowed at you. The two of you waved goodbye as your mothers dragged you in the opposite directions both leaving to make your ways home. 

You got home and plopped into your bed laid there gazing at your ceiling, "I'd say that that was a pretty successful first year at Hogwarts." You said while a small smile crept across your face.

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