Chapter 22: Boggarts & Constellations (Year 3)

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After a couple days Draco was finally able to leave the Hospital Wing because he was already much better. But- he hadn't gotten enough attention from it yet; even though plenty girls from our year came to see him in the Hospital. They'd leave him flowers and chocolates - it was all a bit much in my opinion. I had been going to my classes because Draco insisted and I wasn't allowed to miss too much. Madame Pomfrey suggested that I should pick up Draco's work so he could work on it while still being absent. Of course I agreed that that'd be a good idea but I somehow found myself having to fight with other girls to get assignments from each class. I swear some of these girls are complete lunatics. What did they find so special about Draco anyway? I knew why I thought he was special, I was literally his bestfriend - but these girls, they don't even know him.

Draco and I had just entered the Great Hall for breakfast that morning but suddenly he was dragged away from me by a sea of girls. I groaned as I made my way over to Pansy and Blaise who had been seeing everything.

"When are they gonna realise that he's not injured anymore?" Blaise pouted, as he dropped his head to rest on his hand.

"He's clearly loving the attention." I rolled my eyes as he flirted with every girl he could.

We all began to eat our food with displeasure and after another couple minutes Draco finally found his seat next to me. He sighed as he plopped down beside me with a smug grin on his face.

"Nice of you to finally join us." I sneered without looking up from my plate. He just chuckled in response before loading up his plate with food. A girl appeared next to him giggling and offering to feed him saying how he shouldn't strain himself. "Oh give it a rest- He's perfectly capable of feeding himself! Come off it already!" I snapped.

"I wasn't asking you!" the girl hissed.

I shoved my food away and rose to my feet.

"Why don't you all stop acting like his servants! He's been better for days! He's just so obsessed with the attention so he's pretending like he's still helpless!" I yelled through the entire Great Hall before shoving past the girl and storming out.

It was so bloody annoying having to listen to girls crumbling at his feet over every little thing. I mean, I barely get to speak to him anymore! I walked to my first class of the day, DADA. I sat down in my assigned seat, nobody else was there yet. About five minutes had passed and the bell for class had finally rung. In the distance I could hear the rest of the students leaving the Great Hall and beginning to head to their classes. Professor Lupin walked in with his baggy robes and mangled brief case.

"Ah, I see you've beat me here, Miss L/N." He said as he set his stuff on his desk in the front of the room.

"My apologises Professor, I just happened to finish breakfast early and had nothing else to do." I rambled on apologising assuming he was probably anticipating some time to set up before class.

"No worries just wasn't expecting company as I set things up. But I do not mind." He turned to me and smiled warmly, I smiled back at him.

Soon enough the rest of the class came filing in taking their respective seats. Draco of course had the seat next to mine but I wasn't too keen on talking to him at the moment. I felt a nudge I turned to see Draco handing me a note.

Ah yes how could I forget, we always pass notes.

I took the note and tore the parchment without even bothering to read it. I turned and grinned at him before refocusing my attention on Professor Lupin.

"Hey, what's your deal today?" Draco had resorted to actually speaking instead of the notes. I looked at him and I could tell he was annoyed with my attitude recently.

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